Using MobaXterm, Putty or your favorite terminal program, ssh to Wildiris:
ssh <username>@wildiris.arcc.uwyo.edu
Putty or MobaXterm: enter <username>@wildiris.arcc.uwyo.edu into the hostname/session window.
Note: the first time you connect using Putty, it will popup a security alert about the server’s host key not being cached in the registry. For WildIris, it is fine to accept this.
First login:
Enter your initial credentials:
The first factor is the temporary password that was emailed to you.
The second factor is the numerical code provided by FreeOTP.
Note: the FreeOTP code on your mobile device expires in time, BUT WildIris also has a narrow window of time to put that number code in - , so even if your FreeOTP is good, your second factor may will be rejected if the WildIris window has closed.
WildIris will immediately ask for your current password. Re-enter the temporary password that was emailed to you.
Enter a new second factor from FreeOTP. Do not enter the same code from step 2, wait for a new code.
WildIris will now ask you to enter a new password. The new password should be 8+ characters long and include upper and lower case letters, and numbers or special characters.