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Slurm Video Tutorials


Slurm Cheat Sheet Abigail Smith (Unlicensed) *upload PDF




  • Query detailed information about job that have completed. Use this utility to get information about running or completed jobs


Interactive jobs are jobs which that allow shell access to compute nodes where applications can be run interactively, heavy processing of files, or compiling large applications. They can be requested with similar arguments to batch jobs. ARCC has configured the clusters such that Slurm interactive allocations will give shell access on the compute nodes themselves rather than keeping the shell on the login node. The salloc command is appropriate to launch interactive jobs.


The value of interactive jobs are to allow users to work interactively with the CLI or interactive use of debuggers (ddt, gdb) , profilers (map, gprof), or language interpretters interpreters such as Python, R, or Julia.


Request 16 cpus, 1 GPU of type P100 in an a batch script:

Code Block

#SBATCH --account=arcc
#SBATCH --time=1-00:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-tasks=16
#SBATCH --gres:P100:1

srun gpu_application
