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This page contains commonly used words and phrases that are used in research computing, if you are unsure of any of the terms, please visit the Glossary page to learn more. |
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As research becomes more compute-intensive, ARCC has made high performance compute a core service. This core service is currently being performed by The Teton Compute Environment, allowing researchers to perform computation-intensive analysis on large datasets. Using Teton, researchers have control over their data, projects, and collaborators. Built-in tools help users get up and running in a short amount of time, and the ability to request custom tools allows users to fine-tune their research procedures.
Finally, individual jobs occur runtime limits based on a study that was performed in ~2014 such that our maximum walltime for a compute job is 7 days. ARCC is currently evaluating this to determine whether the orthogonal limits of CPU count and walltime are optimal operational modes. ARCC is considering concurrent usage limits based on a relational combination of CPU count, Memory, and walltime that would allow more flexibility for different areas of science. There will likely still be an upper limit on individual compute job walltime as ARCC will not allow infinite job walltime and due to possible hardware faults.
HPC Clusters