
Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST): Multilocus sequence typing is a technique in molecular biology for the typing of multiple loci. The procedure characterizes isolates of microbial species using the DNA sequences of internal fragments of multiple housekeeping genes


Use the module name mlst to discover versions available and to load the application.

Currently, MLST has only been tested on Singularity 2.5.2 (which is autoloaded). It will be tested using 3.1.1 in the future.

Basic Command Line

[]$ mlst
usage: mlst.py [-h] -i INFILE [INFILE ...] [-o OUTDIR] -s SPECIES
               [-p DATABASE] [-t TMP_DIR] [-mp METHOD_PATH] [-x] [-q]
mlst.py: error: the following arguments are required: -i/--infile, -s/--species

Test Example: Used an absolute path to link to the database using the -p option.

[]$ mlst -i 1056_genome_quiv2_HGAP3.fasta -s ecoli_2 -p /home/username/mlst_db/

Example Output

    "mlst": {
        "user_input": {
            "file_format": "fasta",
            "organism": "Escherichia coli#2",
            "species": "ecoli_2",
            "filename": [
            "sequence_type": "2",
            "notes": ""