This page contains frequently asked questions. If users have any trouble, questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to contact ARCC.



General ARCC Troubleshooting

Do I have to have a smartphone to use two-factor for ARCC services?

My UWyo user account is locked/disabled, can ARCC restore it so I can use the petaLibrary and/or Teton?


I am having trouble logging into Teton.

How do I access Teton when I am not on the UWyo network?

How do I run my code on Teton?

How do I find out what modules/packages are available on Teton?

$ module spider
To learn more about a package execute:

$ module spider Foo

where "Foo" is the name of a module.

To find detailed information about a particular package you
must specify the version if there is more than one version:

$ module spider Foo/11.1

May I have sudo access on Teton?

My Teton home directory is full, can I get more space?


How do I access my petaLibrary allocation when I am not on the UWyo network?