
Please check this page to see upcoming events and other important dates for planned outages, scheduled training and other special circumstances.

Current or Upcoming News and Notifications:

We need your feedback: April 12,2024

ARCC is planning a week long set of workshops titled: Research Computing & HPC Essentials - (Getting started with ARCC's services)

This will include a number of workshops covering the following subjects:

and workshops covering the following ARCC services:

Attendees have the option to sign up for any they'd like to attend.  This can be the entire week, or a subset of workshops in which they are most interested.

We're trying to gauge when this might be most useful, and have two sets of dates in mind:

We'd like to hear which timeframe is better suited for anyone interested in attending.
Please provide feedback through this web form.



Beartooth HPC Performance Issues: April 12, 2024

ARCC became aware of an issue affecting use and performance on the Beartooth HPC cluster. To prevent further issues, jobs have been halted. Any jobs that were running on the Beartooth cluster this morning at 10:40am will need to be restarted.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please e-mail us at arcc-help@uwyo.edu with any questions or concerns.


See Past ARCC Related Announcements Here