
ROHan can work for sample with depth-of-coverage 4-5X or above for modern samples and 7-8X for damaged ancient samples. It makes the following assumptions:


Use the module name rohan to discover versions available and to load the application.


[]$ bam2prof
Usage bam2prof <options>  [in BAM file]
This program reads a BAM file and produces a deamination profile for the
5' and 3' ends

Other options:
-minq Require the base to have at least this quality to be considered (Default: 0)
-minl Require the base to have at least this quality to be considered (Default: 35)
-endo Require the 5' end to be deaminated to compute the 3' end and vice-versa (Default: 0)
-length [length] Do not consider bases beyond this length  (Default: 5 ) 
-err [error rate] Substract [error rate] from the rates to account for sequencing errors  (Default: 0 ) 
-log Print substitutions on a PHRED logarithmic scale  (Default: 0 ) 
-bed [bed file] Only consider positions in the bed file  (Default: not on/not used ) 
-mask [bed file] Mask these positions in the bed file    (Default: not on/not used ) 
-paired Allow paired reads    (Default: not on/not used ) 

You can specify either one of the two:
-single Use the deamination profile of a single strand library  (Default: not on/not used)
-double Use the deamination profile of a double strand library  (Default: not on/not used)

or specify this option:
-both Report both C->T and G->A regardless of stand  (Default: not on/not used)

Output options:
-5p [output file] Output profile for the 5' end (Default: /dev/stdout)
-3p [output file] Output profile for the 3' end (Default: /dev/stdout)
-dp Output in damage-patterns format (Default: not on/not used)
-h More human readible output (Default: not on/not used)
-q Do not print why reads are skipped (Default: not on/not used)

[]$ diffprof
Usage diffprof <options>  [prof file 1]  [prof file 2]  
This program reads 2 .prof files produced by bam2prof
and outputs the difference on STDOUT

Other options:
-abs Use absolute value (Default: 0)