
Estimates for ‘basic’ node configs within Teton, based off most recent purchases. This type of purchase is only available to UWyo faculty PIs.

These are estimates and ARCC will go out to quote/bid for new purchases. Price is subject to market conditions and is usually within a +/- $2,000 margin per node relative to the numbers listed here.
UWyo faculty PIs will pay actual cost for equipment, ARCC does not include any additional markup or fees.

Date of Most Recent Estimate


Included with each estimate

GPU Node Estimates

256GB Memory 2x Nvidia A30 24GB GPU Node


256GB Memory 2x Nvidia A100 80GB GPU Node


512GB Memory 2x Nvidia A30 24GB GPU Node


512GB Memory 2x Nvidia A100 80GB GPU Node


1TB Memory 2x Nvidia A30 24GB GPU Node


1TB Memory 2x Nvidia A100 80GB GPU Node


NOTE: These are estimates and ARCC will go out to quote/bid for new purchases. Price is subject to market conditions.

Non-GPU node estimates

256GB Memory Dense Compute Node


512GB Memory Dense Compute Node


1TB Memory Dense Compute Node


Enclosure - Required for every 4 Dense nodes


NOTE: These are estimates and ARCC will go out to quote/bid for new purchases. Price is subject to market conditions.

Specialty Nodes

Nodes with a non-standard config must be assessed by ARCC staff for viability within our clusters. Reach out to us at arcc-help@uwyo.edu for questions.