Software Related Changes from Teton to Beartooth:

We are not performing an exact copy of what is currently available on Teton, but using this opportunity to clean up and update the cluster related software.

Since many modules have not been used for over 12/18 months (and in some cases not at all) applications, utilities and tools that will be initially installed will be prioritized by recent module usage and popularity. We will obviously continue to install anything that is missing/required/new after going live by request.

Since we are updating the OS and related system libraries there will be cases where existing software will not migrate. Some such cases will be where users have locally installed Python/R related packages/libraries. Users will probably need to re-install these to work on the new Beartooth cluster.

We will look to install the latest versions of compilers, and build mpi, scientific libraries and applications using these. We will not be supporting older versions of compilers.

The GNU family of compilers (i.e. gcc) will be our initial primary focus, but we will look to install Intel's latest oneAPI suite of compilers/libraries, as well as NVidia's hpc-sdk toolset and organically grow required libraries upon request.

We will provide a number of versions of other languages such as Python/R/Julia - but initial focus will be on the latest versions.

Users using VASP, OpenFOAM, MOOSE, project related licensed software and other such locally install applications within their home/ and project/ folders (software should not be installed in gscratch/) will need to re-compiled using the new software stacks. If there are specific scientific libraries that you require that do not appear to be installed then please request.

Due to the nature of Singularity containers and Conda environments, we would expect these to migrate over with minimal disruption.

If something worked on Teton, but initially not on Beartooth, we will provide a best effort level of support, and work on a case-by-base basis.

This page will detail updates as they happen.

Last Updated: 9/16/2022