For every Workshop or Training Request, ARCC requires specific information in order to fulfill the request and plan for required resources and environmental requirements. Please review the list of required information and provide any information required when making your request.


Hardware Requirements

If the workshop requires hardware prerequisites, ARCC would need to verify the hardware is available, and if so, those hardware resources may need to be requested and reserved for a point in time with which your training/workshop is taking place.

Project Creation

A project creation will be required if the workshop or training will be using any HPC resources. Please provide the following information:

Software Requests

If the workshop requires specific software to run on the cluster, this would be required in the request and may require installation and/or configuration on the cluster.

We ask for:

Number of Users and Account Types

Total User Count

External Trainers/External Collaborators

If any external users will be doing training and will not be physically on campus, they will likely require an external collaborator account.

Note that external collaborator accounts are subject to a one-time 10$ charge from UW IT.

If your training will be including external collaborators, please include that in your request. Provide the following information for any external trainers:

Training Account Checkout

If the training/workshop will be provided to students outside/external to UWyo, you may check out training accounts for them. ARCC maintains 25 training accounts for various computation related courses that require temporary access to ARCC HPC resources and these are subject to the students being provided physical access to the hardware keys to log into the accounts. Please include the dates you need to reserve these training accounts.