
https://gitlab.arcc.uwyo.edu is a collaborative code development service hosted on ARCC resources that runs the community edition of GitLab.

Requesting access to GitLab

To request access, please fill out the new project request form here: https://arccwiki.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/group/15/create/44 and select “GitLab” from the list of services. Please provide a project name and a short abstract/description of what the project is, what its goals are, etc. Please also include why you need GitLab vs Github (this is for ARCC tracking purposes only). This helps ARCC keep things in context.

Please be aware that GitLab requires VPN access, and that external collaborators will need a special account to gain access. This can be requested here: https://uwyo.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1940/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=9088

Who can use ARCC’s GitLab?

This service is available to qualified UWYO research projects and their researchers, staff, students, and collaborators.

How much does GitLab cost?

GitLab services from ARCC are currently free, but ARCC reserves the right to re-address this in the future.

How does it work?

Once a space has been created for a researcher or research group, members will need sign in to https://gitlab.arcc.uwyo.edu with their UWyo username and password.

Inside you will see a list of all projects prefaced by the research project name. Of course this list is initially empty.

When you create a new project, please note the Visibility Level. This controls who can see your project.

For more detailed information, please see the: https://docs.gitlab.com/?_gl=1*12xj8bh*_ga*NzMzMzMwNDE1LjE2NzU4OTQyMzM.*_ga_ENFH3X7M5Y*MTY3NTg5NDIzMi4xLjAuMTY3NTg5NDIzNC4wLjAuMA..