
UW ARCC offers several HPC resources for different use cases. This core service is performed primarily over Beartooth, however ARCC maintains a number of specialty HPC resources for special use cases. UW ARCC maintained resources are listed below and links provided for more detailed information.


The Beartooth Compute Environment (AKA Beartooth) is a high performance computing (HPC) cluster that offers over 500 compute nodes and 1.2 PB of storage. A detailed hardware summary is available here. ARCC works to maintain an expected uptime of 98%, allowing researchers to perform computation-intensive analyses on datasets of various sizes.


Southpass is ARCC’s implementation of OnDemand for Beartooth providing HPC access over a web browser interface. You may access Beartooth (via https://southpass.arcc.uwyo.edu) and Wildiris (via wiodm01.arcc.uwyo.edu)


WildIris is a speciality cluster to enable outreach for INBRE researchers and Wyoming community college students. It can be securely accessed anywhere, anytime using SSH connectivity with two-factor authentication.

It is made up of hybrid machines (virtual and physical) residing on ARCCs virtual infrastructure and a number of physical compute nodes.


Loren is a specialty GPU based HPC cluster used by Dr. Piri’s research group, the High Bay Research Group.