Please go here to review a full list of important dates with respect to Alcova and Beartooth Migrations.

HPC Data Migration Policy:

  1. Researchers bear primary responsibility for migrating their data off Beartooth to the new cluster.

  2. Researchers may begin moving their data from Beartooth to “Data” on go-live June 1st, 2024 when the new data storage system is available.

    1. Researchers should fill out a project migration request to create their project space on Thunderer.

    2. If you require assistance when moving data, please include that information in your project migration request available through our service portal.

      1. If you have projects on both Beartooth and Alcova, please fill out two separate migration requests. One for project migrations from Beartooth, and separate request for migrations from Alcova.

  3. All investment, project, and data migrations should be completed and signed off by the project PI by December 1st, 2024.

  4. Beartooth /home and /gscratch purges.

    1. Researchers should aware that if you have data hosted on Beartooth in your user account /home or /gscratch that this data will be purged when Beartooth goes offline on December 1, 2024.

    2. Users should make arrangements to back up this data elsewhere in preparation for Beartooth’s end of life.

Software Migration Policy:

  1. With the understanding that software packages may not run properly if copied directly to our new HPC cluster, we ask instead that all software be reinstalled to the new HPC cluster.

  2. ARCC has allocated an additional 250GB for each project in which users may install software specific to their project work.

    1. Directions for new software installations will be made available on June 1st.

  3. A code freeze will be implemented on Beartooth July 1, 2024 and ARCC will not install any new software on Beartooth after this date.

  4. If you require assistance with reinstalling your software, you may request help through our portal via a software installation request.

Alcova Data Migration Policy:

  1. Alcova data is scheduled for migration on a project by project basis.

  2. Migration requests should be created and scheduled by July 1st, 2024.

    1. PIs may fill out project migration requests available on our service portal.

    2. Separate requests should be created for Beartooth migrations. Please do not put your Beartooth and Alcova migration requests in a single form.

  3. Projects may be subject to blackout periods for migration.

  4. Project PIs must sign off approving their project migrations by July 15, 2024.