

MUMmer is a system for rapidly aligning large DNA sequences to one another, it is very fast and easy to run. The current version, release 4.x, can find all 20-bp maximal exact matches between two bacterial genomes in just a few seconds on a typical desktop or laptop computer. MUMmer handles the 100s or 1000s of contigs from a draft genome with ease and will align them to another set of contigs using the nucmer utility included with the system. The promer utility takes this a step further by generating alignments based upon the six-frame translations of both input sequences.


Use the module name mummer to discover versions available and to load the application.


Some of the mummer4 application commands can run across multiple threads:

Please see the command and/or help for the specific command for further details, for example:

  • Run mummer from the command line to find more details about the --threads / --qthreads option.

  • Run nucmer --help from the command line to find more details about the --threads option.