Software, FASTX, and Old GPUs being Decommissioned

Software, FASTX, and Old GPUs being Decommissioned

Email to arcc-announce@uwyo.edu on 11/11/22

There will be three changes to the HPC services offered by ARCC when we transition to Beartooth. 

First, the software base that exists today on Teton will be upgraded to new versions.  This may have implications to your codes, please visit this page for more detail.  

Second, the “FastX” service that provides a graphical user interface will be replaced by interactive desktops through Southpass/Ondemand.

Third, the condo compute cluster Teton (Soon to be Beartooth) currently hosts several older model GPUs. The GPU software and drivers for this hardware are no longer compatible/supportable on our condo compute cluster. These older GPUs will be removed from service and will not be available in the Beartooth cluster.

These older GPUs are:

  • 31 nodes with 2x Nvidia Tesla K20 (62 GPUs total)

  • 2 nodes with 8x Nvidia Tesla K80 (16 total virtual GPUs total)

These GPUs will be removed from the respective node, but the node shall remain as general compute resources.

Teton/Beartooth will continue to host new GPU architectures as they become available.  The current set of GPUs available when Beartooth goes live are:

  • 4 nodes with 2x Nvidia A30 GPUs (8 GPUs total)

  • 8 nodes with 2x Nvidia Tesla P100 GPUs (16 GPUs total)

  • 2 Nvidia DGX specialty nodes with 8 A100 GPU (16 GPUs total)



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