NWSC Transitions
This page details the role of NWSC, what they do, links to their service portal/support and who to contact when transitioning from Beartooth to NWSC’s Cluster.
What is NWSC
NWSC stands for the NCAR Wyoming Super Computing Center. They are a high performance supercomputing resource specializing in Earth System Scientific Research.
NWSC is located in Cheyenne Wyoming and over 4,000 users from more than 575 universities and other institutions across the nation and overseas utilize NWSC advanced computing and data storage resources for their Earth system science research.
Per the NWSC website, “The center is maintained and staffed by the NCAR Computational & Information Systems Lab (CISL) as part of CISL's mission to support and advanced the geosciences with world-class computing, data management, and research in computational science.”
NWSC Resources are listed here
Please go to https://ithelp.ucar.edu/plugins/servlet/desk/site/rc to access NWSC’s customer portal.
Request an Allocation
Information on requesting an allocation on NWSC can be found here:
Allocation Info | NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center | University of W
How Does ARCC Help Transition from Beartooth to the NWSC Cluster?
ARCC May at times identify projects that would benefit by transitioning to NWSC. We may reach out to you or you may reach out to us by e-mailing arcc-help@uwyo.edu
ARCC Infrastructure Team will help users get started and transition users software stack from Beartooth to NWSC.
Projects used for teaching classes should usually stay on Beartooth.
Transition Process
Identify software and data for transition.
Work with ARCC, SoC, and NWSC to move software stacks and facilitate any data transfers.
After transfer, verify project and data.
Test software and verify.