Accounts: Access and Security

Accounts: Access and Security


This page serves as a parent page for general information about obtaining an account to access HPC resources.


Account Types

UWYO Accounts

UWYO accounts are standard accounts created by UWYO IT upon your hire, appointment through UW Academic Affairs, or admission to UW. These accounts are a maximum of 8 characters in length, and may be used to access various UW related resources (UW e-mail, UW Lab computers, lecture computers, wyoweb, HCM, ARCC HPC resources, etc.)

ARCC Users with UWYO accounts should assume they will authenticate to access ARCC associated resources with their UWYO account credentials.

UWYO External Collaborator Accounts

UWYO External Collaborator accounts, like UWYO accounts, are created by UWYO IT at a project PI’s request. These accounts must be set up through wyosecure.uwyo.edu for 2 factor authentication, and users must go through UWYO IT to request password resets or authentication changes. Users logging into arcc resources with an external collaborator account should log into arcc resources using the same methods and portals as UWYO Account users. **

ARCC-Only Accounts

ARCC-Only accounts are created by the ARCC Facility, and will only allow a user to log into our HPC resources (like, MedicineBow). These accounts do not have uwyo e-mail access, and usernames are typically longer than 8 characters in length. Users with an arcc-only account should use the arcc-only/wildiris portal to log into https://medicinebow.arcc.uwyo.edu. **

**If you’re unsure of whether you have a UWYO external collaborator account or an arcc-only account as an external UWYO user, please e-mail arcc-help@uwyo.edu and we can help you determine which account type you have.

HPC Account Requests

Any HPC account may be requested using the Account Request Form on our Portal. The account request process is dependent upon your role with the university.

  • If you are a PI on a research project: You may use our Request a New Research Project form to create your account and project allocation in a single request.

  • If you are a student: A PI will need to sponsor your access to the cluster. If you cannot identify a PI please let us know and we can try to assist.

  • If you are a Non-UW user: You must be sponsored by a UW PI and the PI should request an arcc-only account through our portal before being granted access to UW HPC resources.

  • For additional inquiries regarding HPC account use, requests and procedures please contact ARCC at arcc-help@uwyo.edu

  • Note: Getting access to an HPC account requires association with an HPC project/allocation. You may request a new one as the PI, or have an existing PI create a project and request your account be added.

Project Access

  1. If UWyo is not your primary institution, please contact the UWyo faculty member you’re working with and have them request an arcc-only account through our portal.

    1. After you get your arcc-only account, the PI will need to make a request to add your account to a project (step ii).

    2. Be sure to ask the PI which HPC resource the project is associated with - ARCC has several.

  2. While you wait to be associated with a project, please take some time to learn how to setup and use Two-factor authentication (2FA).

    1. If you plan to work from off campus, you may require a VPN connection.

    2. Note: the process of becoming associated with a project, etc can take hours to days, depending on workload. Once the process is complete, you will receive an automatically generated email from arcc-admin@uwyo.edu (don’t email this address - it is not monitored).

Account Policy

Detailed Account Policy can be referenced here.

Account Troubleshooting

Two Factor Authentication

Additional information on Two-Factor Authentication may be found here.


Most ARCC Resources do not require VPN for access but directions for installing Pulse Secure VPN on a Linux Desktop may be found here.

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