High Performance Compute Services


UW ARCC offers several HPC resources for different use cases. This core service is performed primarily over Beartooth, however ARCC maintains a number of specialty HPC resources for special use cases. UW ARCC maintained resources are listed below and links provided for more detailed information. Additionally UW ARCC Provides UW researchers with support on External HPC Resources including allocations on NWSC.

MedicineBow (Tentative: July 15, 2024)


The Beartooth Compute Environment (AKA Beartooth) is a high performance computing (HPC) cluster that offers over 500 compute nodes and 1.2 PB of storage. A detailed hardware summary is available here. ARCC works to maintain an expected uptime of 98%, allowing researchers to perform computation-intensive analyses on datasets of various sizes.


Southpass is ARCC’s implementation of OnDemand for Beartooth providing HPC access over a web browser interface. You may access Beartooth (via https://southpass.arcc.uwyo.edu) and Wildiris (via wiodm01.arcc.uwyo.edu)


WildIris is a speciality cluster to enable outreach for INBRE researchers and Wyoming community college students. It can be securely accessed anywhere, anytime using SSH connectivity with two-factor authentication.

It is made up of hybrid machines (virtual and physical) residing on ARCCs virtual infrastructure and a number of physical compute nodes.


Loren is a specialty GPU based HPC cluster used by Dr. Piri’s research group, the High Bay Research Group.