Open OnDemand Dashboard

Open OnDemand Dashboard

Discussed in this section of the workshop is getting started with the Open OnDemand interface for MedicineBow, including logging and navigating the dashboard. This is more of an overview of the application and later sections will be the use of the available options found on the Dashboard.

Logging In

To login to the MedicineBow Open On Demand instance, you will first need to open a web browser (ARCC recommends using Google Chrome over other browsers to limit performance issues) and navigate to https://medicinebow.arcc.uwyo.edu.

  • You will then be required to enter your ARCC username and password.

  • You will also be required to enter your two-factor authentication

You must have an ARCC account before attempting to login




Overview of the Dashboard

On the dashboard, you may notice several things:

  • The message of the day, that provides ARCC announcements

  • A link to the ARCC help pages

  • Pinned applications

  • A top menu with options for the applications available on Open On Demand

  • Information about your login username and an option to log out




Message of the Day

The message of the day contains important information of users. There are static and some dynamic information. First it tells you what system you are on. Then some policy information about appropriate usage.

Occasionally, there will be an announcement about systems maintenance, or other news that can be important for users to know.

ARCC advises everyone to read the message of the day before diving in to running jobs.




Pinned Applications

The Pinned applications are some of the most commonly used applications, with the basic functions of Open OnDemand of:

  • ssh key managment

  • Job managment

  • System status

  • Files

  • Shell Access

  • Interactive Desktop

Along with other interactive applications that ARCC has available




Top Menu - Left Side

On the left side of the top menu, you will see drop-down menus for all options available in MedicineBow Open OnDemand beyond what is pinned on the home page.

  • ARCC Icon - Back to the dashboard

  • Apps - Gives access to some of the options found in pinned apps.

  • Files - Access MedicineBow files

  • Jobs - Shows your active jobs and lets you create new jobs

  • Clusters - shows status of cluster and nodes as well as lets you open a web based terminal

  • Interactive Apps

  • My Interactive Sessions





Top Menu - Right Side

On the right side of the top menu, you will see a drop-down menu for help, both the ARCC help pages and the ARCC service portal to send in a support ticket.

The other sections of the right side of the top menu shows you who you are logged in as and an option to log out of the web application.


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