Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Section 01 Getting Started

01.01 Getting Started: What is Linux and Linux Distributions (distro)


  • Desktop: Windows type Graphical User Interface (GUI)  - mouse point and click.

  • Terminal: Program that opens a graphical window and runs a:

    • Shell which is a command interpreter that processes the typed commands.

      • Interface to the OS.

      • Provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI) – text-based input/output.

      • Different Shells share common commands, but syntax and behavior can be different.


Section 02 Using the Terminal

  • What does a prompt look like?

  • General syntax of shell command.

  • Commands/options are case sensitive.

  • Getting Help:

    • Man pages (man)

    • Options: <command> --help


  • Steps through the previous commands you’ve typed.


Section 03 File System

  • What the file system is, and a typical organization / hierarchy.

  • Some high-level comparison to that of Windows.

  • Absolute vs relative paths.

  • Commands: pwd, cd, ls, mv, cp, mkdir, rmdir, rm

  • History: history

  • File Ownership and Permissions.


Code Block
# Can you cd into the /opt folder?
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd /opt
[arcc-t05@blog1 opt]$

# Can you cd into the /root folder?
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd /root
-bash: cd: /root: Permission denied

# Justify your answer.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls -l /
# “other” has read permissions
drwxr-xr-x.    5 root root    43 Jun 26 11:47 opt
# No permission set for other read permissions
dr-xr-x---.   17 root root  4096 Oct  4 12:58 root


Section 04 Next Steps, Summary


04.01 Next Steps, Suggestions
