Workshops and Tutorials - Archive
Why invest the time and effort to learn HPC?
Learning how to use HPC will likely not be valuable for all users in all cases, but it can be exceptionally valuable and save significant time and effort in certain situations. Learning these skills provide HPC knowledgable users with a strategic advantage that can serve them throughout their academic, research, and professional careers.
Anyone with a workstation crashing due to memory problems from too much data, running time consuming computational tasks, performing repetitive computations, wanting to scale their computational work, or just needing more compute power should consider using HPC resources for improved speed, efficiency and time-savings.
Common HPC Skills
Becoming an expert in HPC requires knowledge in Linux Command Line, and mastering a number of tools. The tools that provide the greatest value to you may be different from those in other scientific domains. While it may seem initially daunting, UW ARCC helps all researchers regardless of HPC experience level. Our department has developed a number of tutorials and we offer bi-weekly office hours allowing you to learn HPC at your own pace. Below is a very general list of common set of skill to master to become an expert HPC user:
Data Management
Commonly Used Software on HPC Clusters
Environments and Software Package Management: Conda & Pip
Jupyter Notebooks
ARCC Hosted Training
Fall 2024
More HPC Training Resources
During Spring and Fall semesters, ARCC and the Digital Scholarship Center offer a number of relevant workshops on HPC, R, Python, Data Management, and other helpful and related topics.
To see currently scheduled topics, please see the the Library Events Calendar
Introductory videos
Intro to ARCC: who we are, what we do, our services.
Intro to HPC clusters: high level architectural concepts
Getting started on ARCC infrastructure: where to put data, how to connect to cluster, how to start compute jobs.
RMACC Courses
Other Members of RMACC have shared their training online. Visit the RMACC Training web page for more information.