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Introduction: The workshop session will provide a quick tour covering high-level concepts, commands and processes for using Linux and HPC on our Beartooth cluster. It will cover enough to allow an attendee to access the cluster and to perform analysis associated with this workshop.


titleDirections for Logging into Southpass

Insert excerpt
nameConnecting to Southpass


Based on: Wiki Front Page: About ARCC

Insert excerpt
  • In short, we maintain internally housed scientific resources including more than one HPC Cluster, data storage, and several research computing servers and resources.

  • We are here to assist UW researchers like yourself with your research computing needs.


What is HPC

HPC stands for High Performance Computing and is one of UW ARCC’s core services. HPC is the practice of aggregating computing power in a way that delivers a much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop or workstation. HPC is commonly used to solve large problems, and has some common use cases:


  • We typically have multiple users independently running jobs concurrently across compute nodes.

  • Resources are shared, but do not interfere with any one else’s resources.

    • i.e. you have your own cores, your own block of memory.

  • If someone else’s job fails it does NOT affect yours.


There are 2 types of HPC systems:

  1. Homogeneous: All compute nodes in the system share the same architecture. CPU, memory, and storage are the same across the system. (Ex: NWSC’s Derecho)

  2. Heterogeneous: The compute nodes in the system can vary architecturally with respect to CPU, memory, even storage, and whether they have GPUs or not. Usually, the nodes are grouped in partitions. Beartooth is a heterogeneous cluster and our partitions are described on the Beartooth Hardware Summary Table on our ARCC Wiki.


titleBeartooth Partition Table

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DOCUMENTAT:Beartooth Hardware Summary TableDOCUMENTAT:
Beartooth Hardware Summary Table

titleBeartooth GPU Table

Insert excerpt
DOCUMENTAT:Beartooth Hardware Summary TableDOCUMENTAT:
Beartooth Hardware Summary Table
nameGPU Table


A reservation can be considered a temporary partition.

It is a set of compute nodes reserved for a period of time for a set of users/projects, who get priority use.


Important Dates:

  1. After the 17th of June this reservation will stop and you will drop down to general usage if you have another Beartooth project.

  2. The project itself will be removed after the 24th of June. You will not be able to use/access it. Anything you require please copy out of the project.


titleHow to access your files using the southpass files application

Insert excerpt
nameAccessing your Beartooth Data in Southpass


  • The Beartooth Shell Access opens up a new browser tab that is running on a login node. Do not run any computation on these.
    [<username>@blog2 ~]$

  • The SouthPass Interactive Desktop (terminal) is already running on a compute node.
    [<username>@t402 ~]$


Login Node Policy


  1. Anything compute-intensive (tasks using significant computational/hardware resources - Ex: using 100% cluster CPU)

  2. Long running tasks (over 10 min)

  3. Any collection of a large # of tasks resulting in a similar hardware footprint to actions mentioned previously.  

  4. Not sure?  Usesallocto be on the safe side. This will be covered later.
    Ex:salloc –-account=arccanetrain -–time 40:00

  5. See more on ARCC’s Login Node Policy here


  • man - Short for the manual page. This is an interface to view the reference manual for the application or command.

  • man pages are only available on the login nodes.

Code Block
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ man pwd
       pwd - print name of current/working directory
       pwd [OPTION]...
       Print the full filename of the current working directory.
       -L, --logical
              use PWD from environment, even if it contains symlinks
       -P, --physical
              avoid all symlinks
       --help display this help and exit
              output version information and exit
       If no option is specified, -P is assumed.
       NOTE:  your  shell  may have its own version of pwd, which usually supersedes the version described here.  Please refer to your shell's documentation
       for details about the options it supports.
  • --help - a built-in command in shell. It accepts a text string as the command line argument and searches the supplied string in the shell's documents.

Code Block
[arcc-t10@blog1 ~]$ cp --help
Usage: cp [OPTION]... [-T] SOURCE DEST
  or:  cp [OPTION]... -t DIRECTORY SOURCE...
Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.


File Navigation demonstrating the use of:

  • pwd (Print Working Directory)

  • ls (“List” lists information about directories and any type of files in the working directory)

  • ls flags

    • -l (tells the mode, # of links, owner, group, size (in bytes), and time of last modification for each file)

    • -a (Lists all entries in the directory, including the entries that begin with a . which are hidden)

  • cd (Change Directory)

  • cd .. (Change Directory - up one level)

Code Block
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ pwd
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  ondemand  R
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ cd /project/biocompworkshop
[arcc-t10@blog2 biocompworkshop]$ pwd
[arcc-t10@blog2 biocompworkshop]$ cd arcc-t10
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ ls -la
total 2.0K
drwxr-sr-x  2 arcc-t10 biocompworkshop 4.0K May 23 11:05 .
drwxrws--- 80 root     biocompworkshop 4.0K Jun  4 14:39 ..
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ pwd
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ cd ..
[arcc-t10@blog2 biocompworkshop]$ pwd


Creating, moving and copying files and folders:

  • touch (Used to create a file without content. The file created using the touch command is empty)

  • mkdir (Make Directory - to create an empty directory)

  • mv (Move - moves a file or directory from one location to another)

  • cd.. (Change Directory - up one level)

  • cp (Copy - copies a file or directory from one location to another)

    • -r flag (Recursive)

  • ~ (Alias for /home/user)

  • rm (Remove - removes a file or if used with -r, removes directory and recursively removes files in directory)

Code Block
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ touch testfile
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ mkdir testdirectory
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ ls
testdirectory  testfile
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ mv testfile testdirectory
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ cd testdirectory
[arcc-t10@blog2 testdirectory]$ ls
[arcc-t10@blog2 testdirectory]$ cd .. 
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ cp -r testdirectory ~
[arcc-t10@blog2 arcc-t10]$ cd ~
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  ondemand  R  testdirectory 
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ cd testdirectory
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ ls
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ rm testfile
[arcc-t10@blog2 ~]$ ls


Text Editor Cheatsheets


Since the cluster has to cater for everyone we can not provide a simple desktop environment that provides everything.

Instead we provide modules that a user will load that configures their environment for their particular needs within a session.
