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  • The ARCC documentation and polices can provide researchers with much of the background information required about resources available

  • ARCC resources are described in a Facilities Statement

  • ARCC is always willing to meet with researchers to discuss any Data Management issues by scheduling through our ticketing system


The Storage Phase

Once your research data are collected, you will need a place to keep them before moving onto the next phases. This phase is often the longest of the phases and sometimes overlaps many of the others. While seemingly trivial, the storage phase is vital to the Data Management Life-cycle. Here are a few nuances to be aware of before we discuss the systems and services ARCC provides that can assist in this phase, and it is important to ask yourself a few questions before making a decision on where your data will be stored:

  • Does the data fall under any federal compliance or other security restrictions?

  • How are the data to be accessed and how frequently?

  • Do the data need to be backed up or version controlled?

  • Do other collaborators require access and are they local to your institution or not?


How ARCC Can Help With the Storage Phase

Research data storage is a core service that ARCC provides and we have several storage options available for you that will be discussed in subsequent modules, but to state it briefly there are three core storage systems that ARCC provides that fit different phases of the Research Data Life-cycle each filling different roles detailed in the table below:

The ARCC Data Portal

MedicineBow HPC system


  • Free for UWyo researchers up to a default limit

  • Accessible via the UWyo network or VPN

  • Includes backups and snapshots

  • Home (for configuration and profiles)

  • Project (for shared data during analysis)

  • gscratch (for actively read/write during analysis)

    • This is NOT backed up, but includes snapshots

  • Cloud-like backend

  • Web-enabled S3 buckets for data storage, data transfer, etc.

  • Is NOT backed up


The Analysis Phase


How ARCC Can Help With the Analysis Phase
