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Table of Contents

Click to start

OnDemand interactive applications can be launched from OnDemand with graphics, similar to a remote desktop that only launches the application.

After logging into OnDemand on your favorite ARCC HPC resource, you can request a Jupyter Session by clicking on the app from the main Dashboard:


Fill out the Jupyter Session Request Form

After clicking the jupyter app, you are taken to a web form to tailor and specify the Jupyter environment you’d like to run in your session

Jupyter Interface: Select from Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab

Account: The associated investment account or project you’re using to run the session

Number of hours: How long you plan to use the notebook

Number of Nodes: how many nodes you want allocated to perform work while using this notebook.

Number of CPUs: how many cores you will need access to perform your work while using this notebook.

Amount of Memory: Memory in GB required to run throughout the course of this Jupyer session

GPU Type: Which GPU hardware you’d like to perform your work in the Jupyter Notebook or Lab on


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Your interactive sessions


  • When you click launch, you’re redirected to a page showing a list of your most recent interactive sessions.

  • The Slurm scheduler assigns a compute node with a specified number of cores, memory, hardware and timeframes as requested from the input you provided in your webform.

  • When your session is ready for use, the heading will turn green.

    • Completed sessions are denoted with gray headings

    • Pending sessions are denoted with blue headings




Connect to your session


To open Jupyter, click on the connect button within the active session


Initial Screen Navigation and Options

Upon connecting, you are presented with a simple Jupyter Notebook screen and just a few options:

  • Drop down menu bar along the top

  • Active work area:

    • When you into the cluster for the first time, this area will display the default, which initially shows 2 tabs:

      • File Browser

      • Run Manager


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Drop-Down Menu Bar

  • File: actions related to files and folders

  • View: actions that alter the appearance of Jupyter Notebook

  • Settings: common settings

  • Help: a list of Jupyter Notebook and kernel help links

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Active Work Area

Whatever you’re currently working on

  • Shown below the drop down menu

  • Usually this is a Jupyter Notebook

  • At default start, shows file and run tabs

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Opening a New Blank Notebook

From the Dropdown:


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From the Right side of the File Management Tab:


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A Jupyter kernel is the computational engine behind the code execution in Jupyter notebooks.

Most users think of this as the “compiler” or programming language used when running code cells.
The Kernel empowers you to execute code in different programming languages like Python, R, or Julia or others and instantly view the outcomes within the notebook interface.

After opening a new notebook, you will be prompted to select a kernel

  • If you have never created a kernel to use, you will only see a list of default Jupyter kernels available on the cluster

  • You may check the box to start with the preferred kernel every time you open a notebook

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Default Kernels on ARCC HPC Resources include:

  • Python Kernels

  • R Kernels

HPC-wide kernels are titled by packages installed and available when launched

Users can also create user-defined kernels from conda environments (Covered in a subsequent module. See Creating Jupyter Kernels from Conda Environments)

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