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Table of Contents

Click to start

OnDemand interactive applications can be launched from OnDemand with graphics, similar to a remote desktop that only launches the application.

After logging into OnDemand on your favorite ARCC HPC resource, you can request a Jupyter Session by clicking on the app from the main Dashboard:


Fill out the Jupyter Session Request Form

After clicking the jupyter app, you are taken to a web form to tailor and specify the Jupyter environment you’d like to run in your session

Jupyter Interface: Select from Jupyter Notebook or Jupyter Lab

Account: The associated investment account or project you’re using to run the session

Number of hours: How long you plan to use the notebook

Number of Nodes: how many nodes you want allocated to perform work while using this notebook.

Number of CPUs: how many cores you will need access to perform your work while using this notebook.

Amount of Memory: Memory in GB required to run throughout the course of this Jupyer session

GPU Type: Which GPU hardware you’d like to perform your work in the Jupyter Notebook or Lab on


A screenshot of a computer

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Your interactive sessions


  • When you click launch, you’re redirected to a page showing a list of your most recent interactive sessions.

  • The Slurm scheduler assigns a compute node with a specified number of cores, memory, hardware and timeframes as requested from the input you provided in your webform.

  • When your session is ready for use, the heading will turn green.

    • Completed sessions are denoted with gray headings

    • Pending sessions are denoted with blue headings




Connect to your session


To open Jupyter, click on the connect button within the active session


You will be directed to a Jupyter notebook or lab environment to start using Jupyter!


Introduction to Jupyter



Initial Screen Navigation and Options

Upon connecting, you are presented with the main Jupyter Labs screen and options:

  • Drop down menu bar along the top

  • Along the left is a collapsable sidebar

  • Along the right is another sidebar

  • Main work area in the center (Starts with Launcher tab opened)

  • Along bottom is a information dock

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Drop-Down Menu Bar

Has top-level menus that expose actions available in JupyterLab with their keyboard shortcuts. The default menus are:

  • File: actions related to files and folders

  • Edit: actions related to editing documents and other activities

  • View: actions that alter the appearance of JupyterLab

  • Run: actions for running code in different activities such as notebooks and code consoles

  • Kernel: actions for managing kernels, which are separate processes for running code

  • Tabs: a list of the open documents and activities in the dock panel

  • Settings: common settings and an advanced settings editor

  • Help: a list of JupyterLab and kernel help links

JupyterLab extensions can also create new top-level menus in the menu bar.

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Left Sidebar

Left Sidebar will have a number of default options upon launch.

  • File Browser:

    • Shown with Image Added icon

  • Run Manager:

    • Shown with Image Added icon.

    • Contains a list of tabs in the main work and of running kernels and terminals

  • Table of contents

    • Shown with Image Added icon.

  • Extension manager

    • Shown with Image Added icon.

  • Older versions may show a Command palette:

    • Shown with Image Added icon.

    • provides an easy search and run for JupyterLab commands

    • Newer versions can access this from the View drop-down option or using the keyboard shortcut Command/Ctrl Shift C.

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Right Sidebar

Property inspector (active in notebooks)

  • Gears iconImage Added

  • Allows users to inspect properties of output and items from code or main work area

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  • Bug icon Image Added

  • Helpful when debugging code and viewing dependent functions and variables within your code

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Main Work Area

  • Upon initial login, the main work area will show the JupyterLab Launcher in a tab.

  • Users can launch lab applications in a new tab from the Launcher

    • Any kernels available on the cluster will show up as a kernel option in the launcher (Usually launchable as both a Notebook or Console)

    • Additional lab applications like terminal, file editors, and help menus will show up as options below under ‘Other’

  • The main work area in JupyterLab allows users to arrange documents (notebooks, text files, etc.) and other activities (terminals, code consoles, etc.) into panels of tabs.

    • Tabs can be resized or subdivided.

    • Move a tab to a panel by dragging the tab to the center of a tab panel.

    • Subdivide a tab panel by dragging a tab to the left, right, top, or bottom of the panel.

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Information Dock

Found along the bottom of your Jupyter Lab window, the information dock contains a few informative displays that are always visible throughout your JupyterLab Session

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View Toggle (Toggling simple “on” removes tabs for just one main/active work area. This makes it look more like a traditional Jupyter Notebook)

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Active Count

  • # of active kernels Image Added

  • # of active terminals Image Added

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Active work area:

  • Current mode in your highlighted working area

  • Location within the active file

  • Active file name

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Notifications: Notifies users of possible updates or other JupyterLab news

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Running a Console Kernel


Dive into Jupyter Notebooks


Loading User Defined Kernels from Conda Env