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Table of Contents


CLI Tools and



Before diving into providing information on rclone, we’ll briefly cover some of the other command line tools and give examples for how to use them on MedicineBow.

  • scp - Uses SSH (Secure Shell) to authenticate, then securely transfer data. This means the data is authenticated by the user initiating the connection.

    • Example for from local to MedicineBow on Linux/Mac

    • The structure will go ‘scp’ space ‘file’ space ‘username’@'server:'directory to transfer to'

    • Code Block
      dylan@fireball:~$ scp transfer.file
      transfer.file                                                                                                                 100%    0     0.0KB/s   00:00    
  • SFTP - can also be used on the CLI as well as clients. Compared to the SCP protocol, which only allows file transfers, the SFTP protocol allows for a wider range of operations on remote files. SFTP clients provide extra capabilities include resuming interrupted transfers, directory listings, and remote file removal.

    • SFTP is generally more platform-independent than SCP.

    • Example of interactive use of SFTP

    • Code Block
      dylan@fireball:~$ sftp
      Connected to
    • Helpful SFTP commands

      • ?- is how you access the help, put - to upload a file, mput - to upload multiple files

      • get - to download a file or directory, mget - to download multiple files


rclone config

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  • Bullets are nice to include for distinct points

  • yep

  • they

  • sure

  • are

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Code Block
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