Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Since this folder is missing, it is not being picked up and used by the .libPaths() command.


Can I Create this Folder?


If you manually create this folder then .libPaths() does pick it up.



Using the install.packages() command within R will now look/install packages into this folder that could be shared across multiple Conda environments using this version of R.


Should I Create this Folder?


Question: Should you manually create the ~/R/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-library/X.Y/ folder?


First, we would suggest that unless you are confident in self-managing your Conda/R environments then do not.

If this is not in your .libPaths(), then it will force all R package installs to be contained under the Conda environment.


If this path IS in your .libPaths(), across multiple conda environments, then all the environments will install/share this folder.

You can run into dependency/version issues is you want to use version X of a package in one Conda environment, but version Y in another. You can only have one version in this folder.


We have observed that some times this folder have been automatically created.

Best thing is to always check and set the .libPaths() to you necessary needs.


Try Installing stringi Package


Code Block
[salexan5@mblog2 ~]$ ls /project/arcc/software/conda-envs/r_4.3.3_env/lib/R/library/
base  cli  compiler  datasets  glue  graphics  grDevices  grid  lifecycle  methods  parallel  
rlang  splines  stats  stats4  stringi  tcltk  tools  translations  utils  vctrs

The Conda install of the R package is installed within the same location as the R install.packages() function.


Warning: Conda related R_LIBS_USER - Check!


Question: Should you manually create the ~/R/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-library/X.Y/ folder?


First, we would suggest that unless you are confident in self-managing your Conda/R environments then do not.

If this is not in your .libPaths(), then it will force all R package installs to be contained under the Conda environment.


If this path IS in your .libPaths(), across multiple conda environments, then all the environments will install/share this folder.

You can run into dependency/version issues is you want to use version X of a package in one Conda environment, but version Y in another. You can only have one version in this folder.


We have observed that some times this folder have been automatically created.

Best thing is to always check and set the .libPaths() to you necessary needs.


Anaconda: R Essentials

Although we do not recommend installing Anaconda (unless you are comfortable with how it works and modifies your home environment), it does provide an R Essentials bundle which “includes approximately 80 of the most popular scientific packages for the R programming language.
