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Job Efficiency


You can view the cpu and memory efficiency of a job using the seff command and providing a <job-id>.

Code Block
[]$ seff 13515489
Job ID: 13515489
Cluster: beartooth<cluster-name>
User/Group: salexan5<username>/salexan5<username>
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Cores: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:00:05
CPU Efficiency: 27.78% of 00:00:18 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:00:18
Memory Utilized: 0.00 MB (estimated maximum)
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 8.00 GB (8.00 GB/node)


  • Only accurate if the job is successful.

  • If the job fails with say an OOM: Out-Of-Memory the details will be inaccurate.

  • This is emailed out if you have Slurm email notifications turned on.



There are a number of ways to see the current status of the cluster:

  • arccjobs: Prints a table showing active projects and jobs.

  • pestat: Prints a nodes node list with allocated jobs - can query individual nodes.

  • sinfo: View the status of the Slurm partitions or nodes. Status of nodes that are drained can be seen using the -R flag.

  • OnDemand’s MedicineBow System Status page.


titlepestat example
Code Block
[salexan5@mblog1 ~]$ pestat
Hostname          Partition     Node Num_CPU  CPUload  Memsize  Freemem  Joblist
                               State Use/Tot  (15min)     (MB)     (MB)  JobID(JobArrayID) User ...
mba30-001            mb-a30    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   749441
mba30-002            mb-a30    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   761311
mba30-003            mb-a30    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   761189
mbl40s-004          mb-l40s    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   761030
mbl40s-005          mb-l40s    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   760728
mbl40s-007          mb-l40s    idle    0  96    0.00    765525   761452
wi001          inv-wildiris    idle    0  48    0.00    506997   505745
wi002          inv-wildiris    idle    0  48    0.00    506997   505726
wi003          inv-wildiris    idle    0  48    0.00    506997   505746
wi004          inv-wildiris    idle    0  48    0.00    506997   505729
wi005          inv-wildiris    idle    0  56    0.00   1031000  1020610
