Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Table of Contents


01 Getting Started

01.01 Getting Started: What is Linux and Linux Distributions (distro)

What is an Operating System?

  • When you turn your device on, it boots up the operating system, which The main software on a system. It manages the communication/interface between your applications and the hardware it is running on.

    os-definition-and-functions.pngImage Added

    As shown in the image above, an operating system (OS) functions between the computer’s hardware and the applications that run on the computer.

What is Linux?

  • Linux is an Operating Systems – similar to Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android.

  • Linux is open-source – freely available – so you can download, modify and redistribute.

  • Due to this there are 10s of varieties of Linux Distributions (distros):

    • Debian

      • Ubuntu (based on Debian)

    • Fedora

      • Amazon Linux 2

    • Commercial: Red Hat (which we are using today)

      • Rocky Linux

  • There is a lot of commonality across these distros.


  • Desktop: Windows type Graphical User Interface (GUI)  - mouse point and click.

  • Terminal: Program that opens a graphical window and runs a:

    • Shell which is a command interpreter that processes the typed commands.

      • Interface to the OS.

      • Provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI) – text-based input/output.

      • Different Shells share common commands, but syntax and behavior can be different.


02 Using the Terminal

  • What does a prompt look like?

  • General syntax of shell command.

  • Commands/options are case sensitive.

  • Getting Help:

    • Man pages (man)

    • Options: <command> --help


02.04 Syntax of a Shell Command


02.05 Case Sensitive

Code Block
# Lists what is in the current location.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads

# Throws an error.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ LS
-bash: LS: command not found
Filename  ≠  FiLeNaMe  ≠  FILENAME

Code Block
Filename  ≠  FiLeNaMe  ≠  FILENAME


02.06 Getting Help: man

Code Block
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ man ls
LS(1)                                     User Commands                                     LS(1)
       ls - list directory contents
       ls [OPTION]... [FILE]...
       List  information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).  Sort entries alpha‐
       betically if none of -cftuvSUX nor --sort is specified.
       Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
       -a, --all
              do not ignore entries starting with .
       -A, --almost-all
              do not list implied . and ..
Manual page ls(1) line 1 (press h for help or q to quit)


Code Block
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads

[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls -al
total 76
drwxr-x---   8 arcc-t05 arcc-t05  4096 Oct  3 13:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 925 root     root     32768 Sep 27 16:21 ..
-rw-------   1 arcc-t05 arcc-t05   212 Sep 12 15:44 .bash_history
-rw-r--r--   1 arcc-t05 arcc-t05    18 Aug 10 17:00 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--   1 arcc-t05 arcc-t05   141 Aug 10 17:00 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--   1 arcc-t05 arcc-t05   376 Aug 10 17:00 .bashrc
drwx------   3 arcc-t05 arcc-t05  4096 Sep 12 11:36 .config
drwxr-xr-x   2 arcc-t05 arcc-t05  4096 Aug 10 17:00 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x   2 arcc-t05 arcc-t05  4096 Aug 10 17:00 Documents


02.12 12a Answers

2: How can you find out what the –al options do?

  • Use man ls or ls --help

  • -a, --all do not ignore entries starting with .

  • -l use a long listing format

  • Options are also case sensitive:

    Code Block
    [arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls -A
    .bash_history  .bash_profile  .config  Documents  .emacs     .kshrc    .mozilla  .zshrc
    .bash_logout   .bashrc        Desktop  Downloads  .esd_auth  .lesshst  .sshWhat does the pwd command do?


02.12b Answers

3: What does the pwd command do?


  • Steps through the previous commands you’ve typed.


03 File System

  • What the file system is, and a typical organization / hierarchy.

  • Some high-level comparison to that of Windows.

  • Absolute vs relative paths.

  • Commands: pwd, cd, ls, mv, cp, mkdir, rmdir, rm

  • History: history

  • File Ownership and Permissions.


Code Block
# Reset: Type the following:
[arcc-t05@blog1 ???]$ cd

[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$
# The ~ “tilda” character represents your home directory.

[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ pwd


03.13 13a cd: Change the shell working directory.

Code Block
# Reset: cd
# Move up one level.
# Move into the folder’s parent.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd ..
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ pwd

[arcc-t05@blog1 home]$ cd ..
[arcc-t05@blog1 /]$ pwd
# In the ‘root’ folder
[arcc-t05@blog1 /]$ ls

# Are we defining an absolute or relative path?
[arcc-t05@blog1 /]$ cd opt
[arcc-t05@blog1 opt]$ pwd


03.13b cd: Change the shell working directory.

Code Block
[arcc-t05@blog1 opt]$ cd
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$

# Are we defining an absolute or relative path?
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd /usr/include/asm
[arcc-t05@blog1 asm]$ pwd

[arcc-t05@blog1 asm]$ cd ../..
[arcc-t05@blog1 usr]$ pwd

[arcc-t05@blog1 usr]$ cd
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]



03.14 ls: List information about the FILEs (cwd by default)

Code Block
# Reset: cd
# List files in the user’s home folder.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls

# List long format that includes ownership and permission details.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls -l

# List all files, including hidden files and folders start with “.”.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls –a

# Notice how ‘short-name’ options are grouped.
# List all files with long format.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls –al

# List all files with long format, in reverse order.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls –alr

# List all files with long format, in reverse order, in human readable form.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls –alrh


03.15 15a mkdir: Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Code Block
$ cd
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads

[~]$ mkdir folder01
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01

[~]$ mkdir folder01
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘folder01’: File exists

[~]$ cd folder01/
[folder01]$ pwd


03.15b mkdir: Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Code Block
[folder01]$ mkdir folder02
[folder01]$ ls

[folder01]$ cd folder02/
[folder02]$ pwd

[folder02]$ cd ../..
[~]$ pwd



03.16 16a mv: Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY

Code Block
$ cd
# Create an empty file.
[~]$ touch myfil.txt
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  myfil.txt

# Rename the file ‘myfil.txt’ to ‘myfile.txt’:
[~]$ mv myfil.txt myfile.txt 
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  myfile.txt


03.16b mv: Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY

Code Block
# Move the file ‘myfile.txt’ into the directory ‘folder01’
[~]$ mv myfile.txt folder01/

[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01

# We can ‘ls’ what is in a relative folder.
[~]$ ls folder01/
folder02  myfile.txt


Code Block
[~]$ ls 
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  folder03  myfile02b.txt  myfile02.txt

[~]$ mkdir folder04
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  folder03  folder04  myfile02b.txt  

# Can remove folder04 since it is empty.
[~]$ rmdir folder04
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  folder03  myfile02b.txt  myfile02.txt

[~]$ rmdir folder03/
rmdir: failed to remove 'folder03/': Directory not empty


03.20 20a rm: Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

Code Block
[~]$ cd
[~]$ cd folder03
[folder03]$ ls
folder02  myfile02b.txt  myfile.txt
[folder03]$ ls folder02/

# ‘folder02’ is empty.
[folder03]$ rmdir folder02/
[folder03]$ ls
myfile02b.txt  myfile.txt

[folder03]$ rm myfile.txt 
[folder03]$ ls

[folder03]$ rm myfile02b.txt



03.20b rm: Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

Code Block
[folder03]$ ls
# ‘folder03’ is now empty.

[folder03]$ cd ..
[~]$ rmdir folder03/
[~]$ ls
Desktop  Documents  Downloads  folder01  myfile02b.txt  myfile02.txt

# This has taken a lot of individual steps.
# Can we do this quicker?



03.21 rm: folders and file(s)


Code Block
# Can you cd into the /opt folder?
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd /opt
[arcc-t05@blog1 opt]$

# Can you cd into the /root folder?
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ cd /root
-bash: cd: /root: Permission denied

# Justify your answer.
[arcc-t05@blog1 ~]$ ls -l /
# “other” has read permissions
drwxr-xr-x.    5 root root    43 Jun 26 11:47 opt
# No permission set for other read permissions
dr-xr-x---.   17 root root  4096 Oct  4 12:58 root


04 Next Steps, Summary


04.01 Next Steps, Suggestions


04.02 Further Trainings: UWYO LinkedIn


  • Introduction to Linux

  • Learning Linux Command Line

  • Linux: Files and Permissions

  • Linux: Over and Installation

  • Learning Linux Shell Scripting


04.03 Request an Account with ARCC



04.04 Summary

In this workshop we have:

  • Introduced the basics of the Linux OS using a command-line interface.

  • Taken a look at the hierarchical file system and how to navigate around it.

  • Introduced the basics of file/folder permissions and ownership.

  • How to view, create, update and delete files and folders.


04.05 The End

Any questions?

Thank you.