Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is a custom Confluence template that is intended to be re-used in the creation of workshops presented by ARCC on the Wiki. All of the content in these sections is intended to be replaced by the author of the workshop. The first step in this style guide is to ensure that the the page is in wide mode to maximize the real estate for content when possible. The Title of the Page should be the same as the Title of the workshop and this section should include a quick intro to the topic, why it’s important for ARCC users, and what users should expect to get out of this workshop. Next should be a Table of Contents macro in vertical format. The Table is intended to be used as an agenda section for presenter mode as well as navigation for non-presenting viewing so that users can find the documentation and navigate to what they need to brush up on. Finally, at the end of each section, there should be a divider to indicate the separation of “slides”Documentation of research data, also called, metadata is an often overlooked, but critical, aspect of research data management. It’s important to note that this type of metadata is not as simple as basic system metadata familiar to computer scientists such as file sizes, ownership, etc. When we are talking in a data management context, metadata provides several descriptive elements that inform viewers of the data of who collected it, how it was collected, where and when it was collected, processing methods, and much more. Not only is this a requirement for data publishing, it is very useful for collaboration between other researchers and can serve as a tool to ensure consistency throughout the other steps taken in the Research Data Management Life-cycle.


Table of Contents

Headers and Sections


Code Examples

Two Column Tables are nice ways to separate content/ Background info along with a code example on the same “Slide”. Please notice the table width. This should stop scroll bars from appearing


Bullets are nice to include for distinct points








Code Block
Please use the "code snippet" in the + button when creating code examples. Also please do not go
past the width of the table. This is to prevent scroll bars appearing

This is the Max number of code lines to show on an example

Straight Code - No context

Code Block
Limit to 16 lines in the example. 

This is the end

Same Thing With Images


Two Column Tables are nice ways to separate content/ Background info along with an image example on the same “Slide”. Please notice the table width. This should stop scroll bars from appearing

  • Bullets are nice to include for distinct points

  • yep

  • they

  • sure

  • are

    This is 14 lines

image-20240514-000033.pngImage Removed

Alternatively No Table

image-20240514-000127.pngImage Removed

Finally The End


Link to Previous sub-module or Home Module


Common Metadata Standards

There are several standards available depending on discipline that provide the advantages of ensuring you have a complete, standard set of information about each part of your data and enable your dataset to be organized with other datasets, a few examples are:

While these standards exist and can help aid researchers in recording complete metadata, they are not universally required to be used. A best practice is to record the information that works for you and your collaborators. It’s better to have something than nothing at all.


Common Metadata Fields

While each of the standards listed above are each unique and recommend recording different information, there are several commonalities. Listed below are a few of them that each metadata document could contain for a directory of research data.

  • Creator/Author: <Researcher name/ORCiD>

  • Subject/title: <Name of the data>

  • Description: <Short paragraph describing the data and how they got to this state e.g., image taken, data processed, etc.>

  • Contributor(s)/Collaborator(s): <Names of people associated with the project>

  • Date: <use a format that is standardized across all the data e.g., YYYYMMDD>

  • Original Format/File types: <.txt .csv .png .sql>

  • Relation: <list any relating files/folders>

  • Location: <e.g., Latitude & Longitude in decimal degrees>

  • Rights: <funder grant number, or open source>


Metadata File Types / README

Metadata can be recorded in multiple ways including in a filename, in a spreadsheet, in an XML file, or into a database. However, a very common type is a simple text file called a README file. A README provides information about a data file and is intended to help ensure that the data can be correctly interpreted, by yourself at a later date or by others when sharing or publishing data. In general a good README should include several things in addition to what is listed above:

General Items

Optional Items

Other Recommendations

  • File naming system (with examples)

  • Folder structure

  • Relationships and dependencies between files

  • Other documentation files of interest within dataset (notes, companion files)

  • For each major file, short description of contents

  • Date of creation of each major file

  • Experimental & environmental conditions of collection (if appropriate)

  • Standards and calibration for data collection (if applicable)

  • Uncertainty, precision and accuracy of measurements (if appropriate)

  • Methods used for data processing

  • Software used in data collection and processing, including version numbers

  • File formats used in the dataset & recommended software

  • Quality control procedure applied

  • Description of file versioning system if appropriate

  • Dataset changelog


README Example

Luckily for UWYO researchers the University Data Librarians provide an extensive sample README that can be downloaded directly from their website. Below is an example of what the beginning of the file looks like:

Code Block
This DATSETNAMEreadme.txt file was generated on YYYY-MM-DD by NAME
1. Title of Dataset: 
2. Description or abstract of dataset:
3. Author Information
	A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
4. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date) <suggested format YYYY-MM-DD>: 
5. Geographic location of data collection <latitude, longiute, or city/region, State, Country, as appropriate>: 
6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: 
7. Keywords for dataset: 
8. Discipline of dataset:
9. License for dataset:


How to Download the Libraries' README on ARCC HPC

ARCC recommends researchers to download the Libraries README file into the project directory for High Performance Computing (HPC) projects when they initially get the project setup. That way the file can be maintained throughout the process, so that when it comes to the publishing phase of the Research Data Life-cycle, the metadata is already recorded and can be shared quickly.

Here is an example of a Linux command to run to download the Libraries README file:

Code Block
#To Download 

#To rename as README.txt
mv 'ld.php?content_id=61572044' README.txt


Next Steps