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  • This workshop will introduce the basics on how to use the vim commandthe a number of text editors from the command-line text editor within a Linux environment. 

  • It will cover the basics on opening and updating a text file, how to navigate around the text, and how to search for terms. 

  • After  After the workshop, participants will have the skills to use a text editor to create basic scripts. 

  • Participants are expected to have an introductory level of experience using Linux from the command line – such as that provided by the Intro to Linux workshop.

Course Goals:

  • To introduce users, using the Linux command line environment, to text editors: Specifically vim.Open.

    • The workshop introduces: Vim, Nano and Emacs.

  • Introduce basic functionality such as how to open, edit, update, save and quit a text editor.

  • Use the keyboard and shortcuts to navigate around the text file.Use




  • Participants are expected to have an introductory level of experience using Linux from the command line


01 Getting Started
02 Why do we need a Text Editor?
03 Other Text Editors


01 Getting Started

01.01 Login

  1. Open up Chrome

  2. Navigate to:

  3. Start Beartooth Shell Access

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01.02 Download Slides


02 Why do we need a Text Editor?

02.01: Using the Terminal/Command-Line

  • We have a non-GUI/non-Windows environment.

  • Unable to start a GUI/Window text-editor type application.

  • We’re using the command-line.

02.03: Available Text Editors

02.04: Why vim?

  • Considerations:

    • What’s available on the system you’re using?

    • Can you install other editors?

    • What is your personal choice?

    • Note: On our Beartooth cluster, vi is an alias for vim – meaning if you start vi, vim will start.


Link to main workshops page



Vim Tutor



  • – such as that provided by the Intro to Linux workshop.

  • This tutorial is available for download as a PDF here.



Text Editors: Introduction: Provide an introduction to why use a text editor.

Vim and Vim Tutor: Introduce Vim and how and why to use the vimtutor as a guided tool to learn how to use this text editor.

Other Text Editors: Nano and Emacs: Briefly introduce two other common and popular text editors available on the command-line in Linux.

Text Editors: Summary: Provide next steps and a summary of what the workshop has covered.
