this page is being reviewed for content (completeness, accuracy, usability, etc)


SouthPass is ARCC’s implementation of OnDemand. It is a publicly accessible site for access to ARCC’s High Performance Computing resources. With OnDemand, you can upload and download files; create, edit, submit, and monitor jobs; run GUI applications; all via a web browser, with no client software to install and configure.

Ondemand Requirements

Currently, the site is confirmed to work with newer versions of Chrome (87+), Firefox (87+), Safari, Vivaldi, and Internet Explorer (11+). ARCC is still working to expand availability to additional clients and are planning on including compatibility for mobile devices (phones and tablets) in the future. 

Connecting to:

SouthPass is available on and off campus from the website. You will be presented with UW’s Shibboleth login page and will have to use your 2-Factor authentication.

Interacting with:

Once you are logged into SouthPass you will be presented with a web interface that looks similar to the following:

The SouthPass interface is broken into different areas:

Files Dropdown

The Files drop down allows you to see your different storage space that you have access to. After selecting a storage space, you will be shown the files in that area. You can then:

Note: The current max file size is limit is set to 10GB.

Jobs Dropdown

From the Jobs drop down, you can either view your jobs or all jobs currently running on the Teton Cluster. From the Job Composer subpage, you can manage all aspects of running jobs on the Teton Cluster:

Note: Job composer script is limited in size and defaults to approximately 65kb. If your job script is larger than this then it will not be accepted.

Clusters Dropdown

This provides a link to obtain shell access to the Teton cluster login nodes. This is the same as using SSH in a command line interface (CLI) to connect to the cluster’s login nodes where you can launch an interactive salloc session, or submit jobs via sbatch. Note that:

The Clusters Dropdown and the Pinned Apps area also have a Teton System Status link/tile which provides a high level summary of the current cluster usage.

Interactive Apps

The Interactive Apps drop down contains items to launch certain GUI environments on Teton compute nodes (this has limited node support). You will get a complete Linux desktop when you submit the job and connect to the environment. Currently supported GUI environments are Mate and Xfce desktops. Once you have submitted the job, your job will be queued and when resources are available you will be provided a “Launch Teton XX Desktop” button. clicking this button will open a new browser tab and the GUI will be displayed.

You should properly close out the Desktop when you no longer need it. This can be down by using the GUI logout feature or using the Delete button on the job page. This releases all requested resources back to the the system. You should also occasionally delete any old jobs as they are left in your home directory. This can lead to your home directory quote being consumed.

Servers (Applications)

The interactive server part of the Apps drop down contains items to launch certain GUI applications interactively on different Teton cluster compute resources. One then gets a fully functioning application on the requested compute resources. Some of the currently supported applications include:

Known Issues

Current User Load

SouthPass is a special partition on the cluster, currently with up to two nodes available, and a total of (2 x 28 =) 56 cpus.