
Please check this page to see upcoming events and other important dates for planned outages, scheduled training and other special circumstances.

Current or Upcoming News and Notifications:

We need your feedback: April 12,2024

ARCC is planning a week long set of workshops titled: Research Computing & HPC Essentials - (Getting started with ARCC's services)

This will include a number of workshops covering the following subjects:

Intro to Linux, Intro to High Performance Computing and workshops covering ARCC Services such as SouthPass (Beartooth HPC via your web browser), Data Transfers and Using Python/R in High Performance Computing.

Attendees have the option to sign up for any they'd like to attend.  This can be the entire week, or a subset of workshops in which they are most interested.

We're trying to gauge when this might be most useful, and have two sets of dates in mind:

  • The week prior to Semester starting: August 19-23, 2024

  • The second week after semester has started: September 9-13, 2024.

We'd like to hear which timeframe is better suited for anyone interested in attending. Interested parties may provide feedback through this web form.


See Past ARCC Related Announcements Here