ARCC High Performance Computing Policy - Storage



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


ARCC provides several types of storage for researchers. Each is detailed below.

Research Data Storage

ARCC provides two options for research data storage. Alcova, and Pathfinder.

Research Data Storage on Alcova is subject to default quotas as listed on our Pricing Sheet.

Data on HPC

ARCC high-performance storage system (HPS) for Beartooth is a high speed, tiered storage system designed to maximize performance while minimizing cost. Beartooth is intended to be used for storing data that is actively being used.

The following policies discuss the use of this space. In general, the disk space is intended for support of research using the cluster, and as a courtesy to other users of the cluster, you should try to delete any files that are no longer needed or being used. All data on the HPS, are considered to be related to your research and not to be of a personal nature. As such, all data is considered to be owned by the principal investigator for the allocation through which you have access to the cluster.

Beartooth is for the support of active research using the clusters. You should remove data files, etc. from the cluster promptly when you no longer actively working on the computations requiring them. This is to ensure that all users can avail themselves of these resources.

Note: None of the Beartooth file systems are backed up. We do data replication within the file system in order to minimize the loss of data in case of a system fault or failure.

Storage Allocations on HPC

Each individual researcher is assigned a standard storage allocation or quota on /home/project, and /gscratch. Researchers who use more than their allocated space will be blocked from creating new files until they reduce their use, or in the case of /project and /gscratch, request a one-time expansion or purchase additional storage. The chart below shows the storage allocations for individual accounts and the cost of additional space.

Directory Descriptions





HPC Directory Summary Table


Backed Up?

Default Storage Quota

Media Type

Additional Storage Cost

Supported Protocols



See ARCC’s Default Service Quotas

Tier 1

Please see Cost of Resources




Tier 1 & 2

Please see Cost of Resources




Tier 1 & 2

Please see Cost of Resources








Augmenting Capacity of Disk Allocation

Researchers working with or generating massive data sets that exceed the default 5 TB allocation, or having significant I/O needs should consider the following options:

File Deletion Policy

This describes ARCC's file deletion policy:

Costs Associated with HPC Storage