This page contains information about Globus Plus and how to use it.



Frequently Asked Questions

Check Whether Your Account Has Globus Plus Access and Upgrade if Necessary

  1. Login at and go to the Account page — it should contain an Identities section followed by a Globus Plus section.

  2. Under Globus Plus, the presence or absence of a message like "You have Globus Plus, because..." will show whether or not it is a Globus Plus account.

  3. If you need to request Globus Plus access:

To Share a Personal Endpoint

  1. Set personal endpoint configuration to allow sharing: Start the Globus Connect Personal application, and in its main menu:

  2. Make sure that Globus Connect Personal is running on the personal endpoint and its status is "Connected".

  3. Login at and go to the Transfer Files page. For one of the endpoints, select the personal endpoint to share. Navigate to the particular folder to be shared, and single-click the folder name to select it.

  4. Click the menu icon in the top right corner of the navigation box and choose the option "share".

  1. This loads a page to create the share, with the endpoint and path already selected. Enter the "Share Display Name", and optionally a Description, and click "Create".
    Note: If attempting to share an endpoint gives the error "The backend responded with an error: You do not have permission to create a shared endpoint on the selected path. The administrator of this endpoint has disabled creation of shared endpoints on the selected path", this means that the endpoint isn't correctly configured to allow sharing (as described above).

  2. On the next page, select the user or group to share the endpoint with, and the sharing permissions (read-only or read-write), and follow the prompts on the page to add the permission.

To Transfer Data Between Two Personal Endpoints

  1. Make sure that the machines hosting both personal endpoints are on, and that Globus Connect is running and has "Connected" status on both of them.

  2. Using the web or command-line interface, initiate a transfer between the endpoints as normal.