An HPC system is not like a regular computer that you can log into and begin using, there are multiple parts that make up the system. This page instructs users in using the applications that have the ability to use ssh. Ssh is one of the main methods for users to securely login to an HPC system. The Terminal, which is a native application on Linux and macOS, provides the means of using ssh.



Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1. The Terminal and ssh clients

Since Linux and macOS share a common ancestor in Unix they have a native application built right into the operating system and available on the desktop that provides the means of using ssh. This is called the terminal and is typically indicated by the icon below:

While this is native to Unix-based operating systems, other options are available in ssh clients.

Step 2. Using ssh

In all of these methods, is important to know a few things about using ssh:

  1. The host-name of the system

  2. What your username is on the HPC System

  3. Your password on the system

  4. Anything else the system administrators require*, e.g. Two-factor authentication

Using ssh

In the Terminal the command for ssh is simple and can be executed by typing:

ssh username@host-name 

You send the command by hitting enter (or return) on your keyboard.

Enabling The Graphical Applications (Optional)

Sometimes a user will need to visualize data while working on an HPC system. This is done by enabling X11 forwarding. 

The X Window System (also known as X11, or just X) is a software package and network protocol that lets you interact locally, using your personal computer's display, mouse, and keyboard, with the graphical user interface (GUI) of an application running on a remote networked computer.

Using X forwarding in an ssh session on your personal computer allows you to securely run graphical applications (X clients) installed on HPC systems.

Enable Graphics ssh Command

In the Terminal all users need to do is use a flag to enable graphics with the ssh command

ssh -X username@host-name

the -X (or -Y on Mac OS X) flag enables X11 forwarding. This does not default due to security reasons. 


FastX is the only X11 emulation solution that offers both a desktop client and a browser client. Create and display sessions running on remote Linux servers from any device with a modern browser. (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) You can display individual applications or full Linux desktops.

For further information on FastX, visit the FastX page.Add Text Here

Teton ssh Access

Teton has login nodes for users to access the cluster. Login nodes are available publicly using the hostname or SSH can be done natively on macOS or Linux based operating systems using the terminal and the ssh command. Although X11 forwarding is supported, and if you need graphical support, we recommend using FastX if at all possible. Additionally, you may want to configure your OpenSSH client to support connection multiplexing if you require multiple terminal sessions. For those instances where you have unreliable network connectivity, you may want to use either tmux or screen once you login to keep sessions alive during disconnects. This will allow you to later reconnect to these sessions.



ssh -Y -l USERNAME                          # For secure forwarding of X11 displays

ssh -X -l USERNAME                          # For forwarding of X11 displays

Loren ssh Access

Loren has login nodes for users to access the cluster. Login nodes are available publicly using the hostname SSH can be done natively on macOS or Linux based operating systems using the terminal and the ssh command. Although X11 forwarding is supported, and if you need graphical support, we recommend using FastX if at all possible. Additionally, you may want to configure your OpenSSH client to support connection multiplexing if you require multiple terminal sessions. For those instances where you have unreliable network connectivity, you may want to use either tmux or screen once you login to keep sessions alive during disconnects. This will allow you to later reconnect to these sessions.

Users also have direct access to some specialty nodes used for running GUI sessions



ssh -Y -l USERNAME                    # For secure forwarding of X11 displays

ssh -X -l USERNAME                    # For forwarding of X11 displays

OpenSSH Configuration File (BSD,Linux)

By default, the OpenSSH user configuration file is $HOME/.ssh/config which can be edited to enhance workflow. Since Teton uses round-robin DNS to provide access to two login nodes and requires two-factor authentication, it can be advantageous to add SSH multiplexing to your local environment to make sure subsequent connections are made to the same login node. This also provides a way to shorten up the hostname and access methods for SCP/SFTP/Rsync capabilities. An example entry looks like where USERNAME would be replaced by your actual UWyo username:

Host teton
  controlmaster auto
  controlpath ~/.ss/ssh-%r@%h:%p

WARNING: While ARCC allows ssh multiplexing, other research computing sites may not. Do not assume this will always work on systems not administered by ARCC.