

  • LocalColabFold: LocalColabFold is an installer script designed to make ColabFold functionality available on users' local machines.

    • An example on


Use the module name localcolabfold to discover versions available and to load the application.

A good example on using this application can be found at the Harvard Medical School: Using (Local)ColabFold on O2.

Please note that the module loading and Slurm script examples will need to be modified for our clusters.

Multicore and GPU capabilities

The localcolabfold application has a number of commands which can be used across multiple cores as well as use GPUs. Look at the various commands and their help. For example:

[]$ colabfold_batch -h ... --use-gpu-relax Run OpenMM/Amber on GPU instead of CPU. This can significantly speed up the relaxation runtime, however, might lead to compatibility issues with CUDA. Unsupported on AMD/ROCM and Apple Silicon. (default: False) []$ colabfold_search -h ... --threads THREADS Number of threads to use. (default: 64)