Aspera Connect



Use the module name aspera-connect to discover versions available and to load the application.

The various connect commands should be able to be called from a job submission (as with any typical workflow). If a password needs to be defined from the command -line, try setting the ASPERA_SCP_PASS environment variable as details in the ASCP Command Reference page.

Transfer Rates:

[]$ ascp -h ... -l max_rate

As indicated within the documentation:

-l max_rate Transfer at rates up to the specified target rate. (Default: 10000 Kbps) This option accepts suffixes "G" or "g" for giga, "M" or "m" for mega, "K" or "k" for kilo, and "P", "p", or "%" for percentage. Decimals are allowed. If this option is not set by the client, the setting in the server's aspera.conf is used. If a rate cap is set in the local or server aspera.conf, the rate does not exceed the cap.
# Example: []$ ascp -l 1024M ...


At this stage we are not aware if the various connect commands can use multicores. If any users do know this, please contact us with an example so we can update this page and share.