
Homepage: MOOSE Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment

  • provides a plug-in infrastructure that simplifies definitions of physics, material properties, and postprocessing.

  • includes an ever-expanding set of physics modules and supports multi-scale models, thus enabling collaboration across applications, time-scales, and spatial domains.

Installing Moose

The way MOOSE is currently structured, when you build your own MOOSE related application it requires linking to MOOSE as well as constructing folders within the MOOSE installation folder. Due to this, it is not straight forward to install MOOSE as a module. See permission denied while running make command on an App
Instead you will need to build a ‘local’ version in your own project folder.

Although MOOSE comes, and can build a version of PETSc, we have been able to build and make PETSc a module that you can load.

ARCC has been able to build MOOSE based on the following HPC Cluster directions.






module load gcc/12.2.0 openmpi/4.1.4 petsc/3.18.2-ompi python/3.10.6 module load libtirpc/1.2.6 libevent/2.1.12

It took over 2 hours and 30 minutes to run


Date: 20200219:

module load petsc/3.11.4 (based on gcc/7.3.0 and openmpi/3.0.1) module load libevent/2.0.21 python/3.6.3


Create Your MOOSE Application:

[]$ cd /project/arcc/apps/ []$ ls moose []$ module load petsc/3.11.4 [] source ~/.moose_profile []$ echo $MOOSE_DIR /project/arcc/apps/moose/ []$ $MOOSE_DIR/scripts/ MooseTest sed: no input files Initialized empty Git repository in /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/.git/ [master (root-commit) 2a2d974] Initial files Committer: Simon Peter Alexander <salexan5@tlog2.cluster> Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. You can suppress this message by setting them explicitly: git config --global "Your Name" git config --global After doing this, you may fix the identity used for this commit with: git commit --amend --reset-author 25 files changed, 1398 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .clang-format create mode 100644 .gitignore create mode 100644 LICENSE create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 create mode 100644 doc/config.yml create mode 100644 doc/content/ create mode 100755 doc/ create mode 100644 include/base/MooseTestApp.h create mode 100755 run_tests create mode 100755 scripts/ create mode 100644 src/base/MooseTestApp.C create mode 100644 src/main.C create mode 100644 test/include/base/MooseTestTestApp.h create mode 100644 test/src/base/MooseTestTestApp.C create mode 100644 test/src/base/StorkTestApp.C.module create mode 100644 test/tests/kernels/simple_diffusion/gold/simple_diffusion_out.e create mode 100644 test/tests/kernels/simple_diffusion/simple_diffusion.i create mode 100644 test/tests/kernels/simple_diffusion/tests create mode 100644 testroot create mode 100644 unit/Makefile create mode 100644 unit/include/place_holder create mode 100755 unit/run_tests create mode 100644 unit/src/SampleTest.C create mode 100644 unit/src/main.C MOOSE app created in '/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test' To store your changes on github: 1. log in to your account 2. Create a new repository named moose_test 3. in this terminal run the following commands: cd /project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test git remote add origin git commit -m "initial commit" git push -u origin master To automatically enforce MOOSE C++ code style in your commits, run: cd /project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test ./scripts/ []$ ls moose moose_test []$ cd moose_test []$ make Compiling C++ (in opt mode) /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/src/base/MooseTestApp.C... Linking Library /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/lib/ Compiling C++ (in opt mode) /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/src/main.C... Compiling C++ (in opt mode) /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/test/src/base/MooseTestTestApp.C... Linking Library /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/test/lib/ Linking Executable /pfs/tsfs1/project/arcc/apps/moose/moose_test/moose_test-opt...