2.1.7 Using ARCC Resources for Education

2.1.7 Using ARCC Resources for Education

We offer the use of our HPC and Storage core services in UWYO courses for educational purposes. Before requesting ARCC resources for a class please read the following policies and make sure to contact ARCC for clarification on any of them.

Using HPC Services for a Class

In addition to all of our general use and HPC policies here are a few specific for classes.

Project naming

Please name your HPC project for the class with the course catalog description. Please include the subject, course number and section. For example, for the first section in an advanced course in Chemistry that has the course number of 5100 would be named chem510001.

Using investor nodes in a Class

Coming soon

Storage on the HPC system for classes

Coming soon

Software on the HPC system used in a class

Coming soon

Project management when classes end

coming soon

Removing data

coming soon

Retaining the Project for future classes

coming soon

Storage Services for Classes

coming soon