Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Goal: Introduce the LMOD Module System and the concept of dependencies.

Table of Contents


BUT We can demonstrate the compiler/python dependency issue since we don’t have this use-case on MedBow.


What do we have available?

  • Compilers and eco systems: GNU family, Intel’s oneAPI, Nvidia’s hpc-sdk

  • Languages: C/C+, Fortran, Go, Java, Julia, Perl, Python, R, Ruby, Rust

  • Scientific libraries and toolkits: Built with a specific compiler: GNU by default

  • Standalone applications and utilities: Installed using:

    • Conda

    • Containers: running Singularity (not Docker)

      • We can create a Singularity image from a Docker image.

    • Binaries/Executables

Check the MedicineBow Software Pages




LMOD: An Environment Module System


What’s available?

Code Block
[bin# Go back to your home folder.
[...]$ cd ~
[~]$ cd intro_to_hpcmodules/

# Modules currently loaded.
[]$ ml
[]$Currently moduleLoaded availModules:
[]$ module load1) gcc/12.2.0
[]$ ml
[]$ module avail
# What is different compared to the first time we called ml?slurm/latest (S)   2) arcc/1.0 (S)

# What's available within my 'current' environment.
# With respect to what modules I 'currently' have loaded.
[]$ module loadavail
# What happened?.

Notice: There are various categories of available software: containers, compilers, conda environments, Linux binaries…


Modules have a name and a version: <module-name>/<module-version>


What’s available? Compiler tree


Some software has to be built with respect to a compiler.

By default we build using the GNU family of compilers for C/C++ and Fortran.

Code Block
[]$ module load gcc/1113.2.0
#[]$ Whatml
happened?Currently DueLoaded toModules:
MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
  11) slurm/latest (S)   3) gmp/6.2.1     25) mpfrmpc/       37) zlibzstd/1.5.5
  2.12) arcc/1.0     (S)   4) mpfr/4.2.0   6) zstdzlib-ng/
The following have been reloaded with a version change:
  1) gcc/12.2.0 => gcc/11.2.0
# You can only have one compiler loaded at a time within a session.
[]$ ml4   8) gcc/13.2.0

The gmp, mpc, mpfr, zlib-ng and zstd are know as dependencies.

There are libraries that need to be loaded for gcc to work.

They are loaded automatically so you don’t have to.

Code Block
[] module avail
# What has changed?

We can now wee all the modules available that have been compiled with gcc/13.2.0


These are only available if/when the gcc/13.2.0 module is loaded.


Change Compiler

Code Block
[]# module load nvhpc-sdk/24.3
Lmod is automatically replacing "gcc/13.2.0" with "nvhpc-sdk/24.3".

# What happened?
[]$ ml
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) slurm/latest (S)   2) arcc/1.0 (S)   3) nvhpc-sdk/24.3

[]$ module avail
# Modules relating to nvhpc-sdk/24.3 are now available.

You can only have one module compiler loaded at a time.


Purge Your Modules

Code Block
[]$ module purge purge

# What has changed?
[]$ ml
#[]$ What do you notice?module avail

Use the purge command to reset your environment to the initial defaults.


The more modules you have loaded, the more dependencies you will have loaded and the more likely you are to forget what you have loaded…


What’s available? Modules loaded by default

Code Block
[]$ module purge
The following modules were not unloaded:
  (Use "module --force purge" to unload all):
  1) slurm/latest   2) arcc/1.0

[]$ ml
Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) slurm/latest (S)   2) arcc/1.0 (S)
   S:  Module is Sticky, requires --force to unload or purge


Looking for Modules: module spider


Remember: module avail only shows what is available to be loaded with respect to your current environment and what you currently have loaded. It does not show you everything.

Code Block
[]$ module spider openmpi
  openmpi: openmpi/4.1.6
     Other possible modules matches:

    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "openmpi/4.1.6" module is available to load.

      arcc/1.0  gcc/13.2.0


Module load/spider: Dependencies

Code Block
[]$ module load pythonopenmpi/34.101.6
Lmod has detected the following error:  These module(s) or extension(s) exist
but cannot be loaded as requested: "pythonopenmpi/34.101.6"
   Try: "module spider pythonopenmpi/34.101.6" to see how to load the module(s).

# What dependencies does openmpi have? And what is currently loaded?
[]$ module load gcc/13.2.0
[]$ module load openmpi/4.1.6

# What do you notice?
[]$ ml
[]$ module avail

Due to dependencies, there can be a hierarchy of core modules that need to be loaded to make other libraries and software available.

and what is loaded. For example, some libraries, such as fftw, need to be built with gcc/13.2.0 and use the openmpi/4.1.6 library.

Typically their version number will be prefixed with -ompi.

Try: []$ module spider fftw


What’s different between these command-lines?

Code Block
[]$ module spider python/3.10.6
[]$ module spider python/3.10.812.0
[]$ module spider python2


What’s different between these command-lines? Dependencies

Code Block
[]$ module spider python/3.10.6
  python:[]$ module spider python/3.1012.6
    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "python/3.1012.60" module is available to load.
      arcc/1.0  gcc/1213.2.0

      The Python programming language.
[]$ module spider python/3.10.8
  pythonpython2: pythonpython2/32.107.818
    You will need to load all module(s) on any one of the lines below before the "pythonpython2/32.107.818" module is available to load.
      arcc/1.0  gcc/11.2.0
      The Python programming language.
