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Introduction: The workshop session Introduction: The workshop session will provide a quick tour covering high-level concepts, commands and processes for using Linux and HPC on our Beartooth cluster. It will cover enough to allow an attendee to access the cluster and to perform analysis associated with this workshop.


titleDirections for Logging into Southpass

Insert excerpt
Web Access to Beartooth: SouthPass
Web Access to Beartooth: SouthPass
nameConnecting to Southpass


More extensive and in-depth information and walkthroughs are available on our wiki and under workshops/tutorials. You are welcome to dive into those in your own time. Content within them should provide you with a lot of the foundational concepts you would need to be familiar with to become a proficient HPC user.


What is HPC

HPC stands for High Performance Computing and is one of UW ARCC’s core services. HPC is the practice of aggregating computing power in a way that delivers a much higher performance than one could get out of a typical desktop or workstation. HPC is commonly used to solve large problems, and has some common use cases:


  • We typically have multiple users independently running jobs concurrently across compute nodes.

  • Resources are shared, but do not interfere with any one else’s resources.

    • i.e. you have your own cores, your own block of memory.

  • If someone else’s job fails it does NOT affect yours.

  • Example: The two GPU compute nodes part of this reservation each have 8 GPU devices. We can have different, individual jobs run on each of these compute nodes, without effecting each other.


Homogeneous vs Heterogeneous HPCs

There are 2 types of HPC systems:

  1. Homogeneous: All compute nodes in the system share the same architecture. CPU, memory, and storage are the same across the system. (Ex: NWSC’s Derecho)

  2. Heterogeneous: The compute nodes in the system can vary architecturally with respect to CPU, memory, even storage, and whether they have GPUs or not. Usually, the nodes are grouped in partitions. Beartooth is a heterogeneous cluster and our partitions are described on the Beartooth Hardware Summary Table on our ARCC Wiki.


A reservation can be considered a temporary partition.

It is a set of compute nodes reserved for a period of time for a set of users/projects, who get priority use.


Important Dates:

  1. After the 17th of June this reservation will stop and you will drop down to general usage if you have another Beartooth project.

  2. The project itself will be removed after the 24th of June. You will not be able to use/access it. Anything you require please copy out of the project.


Southpass is our Open OnDemand resource allowing users to access Beartooth over a web-based portal. Learn more about Southpass here.


  • Demonstrate how users log into Southpass

  • Demonstrate requesting and using a XFCE Desktop Session

  • Introduce the Linux File System and how it compares to common workstation environments

    • Introduce HPC specific directories and how they’re used

    • Introduce Beartooth specific directories and how they’re used

  • Demonstrate how to access files using the Beartooth File Browsing Application

  • Demonstrate the use of emacs, available as a GUI based text-editor

Based on: SouthPass


Log in and Access the Cluster


titleHow to access your files using the southpass files application

Insert excerpt
Web Access to Beartooth: SouthPass
Web Access to Beartooth: SouthPass
nameAccessing your Beartooth Data in Southpass


  • The Beartooth Shell Access opens up a new browser tab that is running on a login node. Do not run any computation on these.
    [<username>@blog2 ~]$

  • The SouthPass Interactive Desktop (terminal) is already running on a compute node.
    [<username>@t402 ~]$


Login Node Policy


  1. Anything compute-intensive (tasks using significant computational/hardware resources - Ex: using 100% cluster CPU)

  2. Long running tasks (over 10 min)

  3. Any collection of a large # of tasks resulting in a similar hardware footprint to actions mentioned previously.  

  4. Not sure?  Usesallocto be on the safe side. This will be covered later.
    Ex:salloc –-account=arccanetrain -–time 40:00

  5. See more on ARCC’s Login Node Policy here


Vim Tutor is a walkthrough for new users to get used to Vim.

Run vimtutor in the command line to begin learning interactively.

Code Block
[arc-t10@blog2 ~]$ vimtutor
=    W e l c o m e   t o   t h e   V I M   T u t o r    -    Version 1.7      =
     Vim is a very powerful editor that has many commands, too many to 
     explain in a tutor such as this. This tutor is designed to describe 
     enough of the commands that you will be able to easily use Vim as 
     an all-purpose editor. 


*** Break ***


04 Using Linux to Search/Parse Text Files


Since the cluster has to cater for everyone we can not provide a simple desktop environment that provides everything.

Instead we provide modules that a user will load that configures their environment for their particular needs within a session.


Code Block
# Within the R Terminal:
> library(SueratSeurat)
Error in library(Suerat) : there is no package called 'Suerat'
> .libPaths(c('/project/biocompworkshop/software/r/libraries/4.4.0', '/apps/u/spack/gcc/12.2.0/r/4.4.0-7i7afpk/rlib/R/library'))
# Notice how the list of System Library packages listed in RStudio has changed.
> library(Seurat)
Loading required package: SeuratObject
Loading required package: sp
Attaching package: 'SeuratObject'
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
    intersect, t


  • Linux/bash commands and script.

  • Module loads.

  • Application command-line calls.


Lets  Lets consider our R workflow. I have:


Code Block
# You can view the contents of your output file:
[@blog2]$ cat r_16054193.out
R Workflow Example
Start: 06/05/24 14:02:01
SLURM_JOB_ID: 16054193
[@blog1]$ squeue -u salexan5
          16054193     teton    r_job salexan5  R       0:18      1 t402
# If the job id is nolonger in the queue then it means the job is no longer running.
# It might have completed, or failed and exited.
[@blog1]$ squeue -u salexan5


Why is my Job Not Running?

Previously we explained: The two GPU compute nodes part of this reservation each have 8 GPU devices. We can have different, individual jobs run on each of these compute nodes, without effecting each other.

So, we can have 16 concurrent jobs all running with a single GPU each.

But, what if a 17th person submitted a similar job?

Slurm will add this job to the queue, but it will be PENDING (P) while it waits for the necessary resources to become available.

As soon as there are, this 17th job will start, and it’s status will update to RUNNING (R).

Slurm manages this for you.


Monitor your Job: Continued…


Code Block
# You can monitor the queue and/or log file to check if running.
[salexan5@blog2 salexan5]$ cat r_16054193.out
R Workflow Example
Start: 06/05/24 14:02:01
SLURM_JOB_ID: 16054193
Loading required package: SeuratObject
Loading required package: sp
Attaching package: ‘SeuratObject’
The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
    intersect, t
End: 06/05/24 14:02:29
# OR...


  • Everything covered can be found in previous workshops and additional information can be found on our Wiki.

  • ARCC personnel will be around in-person for the first three days to assist with cluster/Linux related questions and issues.

  • We will provide virtual support over Thursday/Friday. Submit questions via the Slack channel and these will be passed onto us, and we will endeavor to set up a zoom via our Office Hours.
