Versions Compared


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  • Linux is an Operating Systems – similar to Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android.

  • Linux is open-source – freely available – so you can download, modify and redistribute.Due to this there are 10s of varieties of


Varieties of Linux Distributions (distros):

  • Debian

    • Ubuntu (based on Debian)

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  • Fedora

    • Amazon Linux 2

    • Commercial: Red Hat (which we are using today)

    • Rocky Linux


A lot of commonality across



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Types of Environments

Types of Environment:

Desktop: Windows type Graphical User Interface (GUI)  -


Graphics based interactions between the user and the operating system.

  • Mouse pointer, click, icons, windows, drag and drop.

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Terminal: Program that opens a




to runs a:

  • Shell which is a command interpreter that processes the typed commands.

    • Interface to the OS.

    • Provides a Command-Line Interface (CLI) written/text-based input


    • and output.

    • Different Shells share common commands, but syntax and behavior can be different.

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