Intro to Linux Command-Line: The File System

Intro to Linux Command-Line: The File System

Introduction: Introduce users to typing commands using the command line to work with the Linux operating system. Focusing on hands-on exercises, it will introduce the basic structure and use of the file system, and how to find help.

Course Goals

  • To introduce users (who have never used Linux) to the Linux OS and command line environment.

  • Use basic Linux commands from a command line interface (CLI) within a terminal.

  • How to find help on a particular command.

  • Understand what a File System is and be able to navigate around, list folder contents, create folders, move, copy and delete files/folders.

  • Introduce file/folder permissions and ownership. 


  • This tutorial is available for download as a PDF here.


  1. Getting Started with Linux: Introduction to what Linux is.

  2. Using the Terminal: Introduction to using a Terminal.

  3. The Linux File System: Introduction to the Linux File System, its structure and how to navigate around it, as well as creating, moving and copying files and folders.

  4. Next Steps and Summary: Point to resources and trainings to continue learning Linux. Summarize what’s been covered.





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