This example configures transfers to/from Beartooth using passwordless authentication with an ssh-key:
command in CLI for rclone to configure Beartooth as a remote location AKA “transfer partner “:
account_user@uwarcc-mbp ~ % rclone config No remotes found, make a new one? n) New remote s) Set configuration password q) Quit config
sets up a new remote location, named beartooth:
[n/s/q> n Enter name for new remote. [name> beartooth
Configure remote beartooth location with SSH/SFTP:
Option Storage. Type of storage to configure. Choose a number from below or type in your own value. [snip loooooooooong list] ... ## /SSH/SFTP \ “sftp” [snip loooooooooong list] ... [Storage> ##
Provide the ssh address for beartooth in which we’ll connect:
Option host. SSH host to connect to. ... [host >
Configure beartooth to log in with UW username, <username>:
Option user. SSH username. Enter a string value. Press Enter for the default. [user> <username>
Hit enter for the default (port 22):
Option port. SSH port number. Enter a signed integer. Press Enter for the default (22). [port>
Hit enter to go with the default (leave optional password blank):
Option pass. SSH password, leave blank to use ssh-agent. Choose an alternative below. Press Enter for the default (n). y) Yes, type in my own password g) Generate random password n) No, leave this optional password blank (default) [y/g/n>
Hit Enter to leave this empty since we don’t want to use a key pem (usually only use if created in putty)
Option key_pem. Raw PEM-encoded private key. If specified, will override key_file parameter. Enter a value. Press Enter to leave empty. [key_pem>
#Set the location of our keyfile to where it is on the client (in our .ssh folder with name id_rsa):
Option key_file. Path to PEM-encoded private key file. Leave blank or set key-use-agent to ssh-agent. Enter string value Press Enter to leave blank (default) [key_file> /home/<username>/.ssh/id_rsa
#We hit enter to use default (no), since we don’t want to make a password to use our ssh key file:
Option key_file_pass. ... [y/g/n>
#We hit enter to use default (empty), since we don’t need to make a pubkey file or have a signed cert for authentication:
Option pubkey_file. ... [pubkey_file>
#Hit enter to use default, since we don’t want to specify our ssh-agent:
Option key_use_agent. When set forces usage of ssh-agentLeave blank or set key-use-agent to ssh-agent. Enter Boolean (true or false). Enter for the default (false). [key_use_agent>
#We hit enter to use default (false), to use default ciphers for key exchange (more secure):
Option use_insecure_cipher. ... 1 / Use default Cipher list. \(false) 2 /Enables use of less secure .... Ciphers. \(true)
#We hit enter to use default (false), because disabling hashchecks is not recommended and not a secure practice:
Option disable_hashcheck. ... [disable_hashcheck>
#We’re done. No advanced configs required. Hit enter or ’n’ to select default (no):
Edit advanced config? y)Yes #We hit enter to use default (yes, options we configured that are listed look good): ...n)No (default)[y/n>
#We hit enter to use default (yes, options we configured that are listed look good):
Configuration complete. Options: Keep this “beartooth” remote? y) Yes, this is ok (default) e) Edit this remote d) Delete this remote
#We hit q to get out of rclone configuration:
Current remotes: ... [e/n/d/r/c/s/q> q
#Now we’re back at our main command prompt, and out of rclone. If everything is properly configured, we can test whether we can see within the remote location or “transfer-partner”:
account_user@uwarcc-mbp ~ % rclone lsd beartooth:
#If you get a list of your files on beartooth, we’re in good shape!