This workshop will introduce the basics on how to use the a number of text editors from the command-line within a Linux environment. After the workshop, participants will have the skills to use a text editor to create basic scripts.
Course Goals:
To introduce users, using the Linux command line environment, to text editors:
The workshop introduces: vim, emacs and nano.
Open, edit, update, save and quit a text editor.
Use the keyboard and shortcuts to navigate around the text file.
Use the command line to search for terms within the text file.
Participants are expected to have an introductory level of experience using Linux from the command line – such as that provided by the Intro to Linux workshop.
This tutorial is available for download as a PDF here.
Text Editors: Introduction:
Vim and Vim Tutor:
Other Text Editors: Nano and Emacs:
Text Editors: Summary:
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