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Southpass SouthPass is ARCC’s implementation of OnDemand. It is a publicly accessible site for access to ARCC’s High Performance Computing resources. With OnDemand, you can upload and download files; create, edit, submit, and monitor jobs; run GUI applications; all via a web browser, with no client software to install and configure.
Note: You are required to have an account on the Teton Cluster to access the site.
Connecting to
Southpass SouthPass is available on and off campus from the https://southpassSouthPass.arcc.uwyo.edu website. You will be presented with UW’s Shibboleth login page. If you’re off campus, you’ll have to use your 2-Factor authentication.
Interacting with
Once you are logged in you will be presented with a web interface that looks similar to the following:
The Southpass SouthPass interface is broken into different areas:
The gold menu bar across the top of the page, which contains tabs for:
Apps - All Applications
Files - Allows you to work with files from different authorized file systems
Jobs - Job management tools
Clusters - Access to and status of different clusters
Interactive Applications - Allow you to run specific tasks or software
Message area, the light yellow ribbon below the task bar, displays useful messages from the system. This is only visible is there is a message.
Pinned Apps, the area on the bottom left of the web page, contains quick access tiles to different applications supported on SouthpassSouthPass.
Message of the day, located in the bottom right corner of the web page, displays any important information about the current day.
This provides a link to obtain shell access to the Teton cluster login nodes. This is the same as using SSH in a command line interface (CLI) to connect to the cluster’s login nodes. There
Note: Be aware that if you have a custom shell prompt, some browsers may not display it properly.