Versions Compared


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If you ask ARCC a question related to conda environments and we see that you have installed miniconda3 yourself, the first question we will as is “why did you install this yourself?

If you can not answer this, then ARCC will suggest that your uninstall this and use the provide miniconda3 module.



Step 1: Edit your .bashrc script and remove everything between:

Code Block
# >>> conda initialize >>>
# <<< conda initialize <<<

Step 2: Remove the miniconda3 folder from your home, or where ever your you installed it.

Code Block
(base) [salexan5@mblog1 ~]$ rm -rf miniconda3/

Step 3: On the start of your next session, the command prompt should return to normal:

Code Block
[<username>@mblog2 ~]$



ARCC recommends using the versions of miniconda3 provided as a module, and use a submission script of the form:

Code Block
module purge
module load miniconda3/<versin><version>
conda activate <path-to-conda-environment>


Before moving forward, ARCC has the following workshop workshops

and the more intermediate

We would highly recommend working through at least the first one to understand how to use conda effectively.