Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page contains frequently asked questions. If users have any trouble, questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to contact ARCC.

Table of Contents


For general issues please see our Known Issues page to see if the problem could be caused by something that we already are aware of and recommended solutions or work arounds.

General Questions

Over Quota: My directory is full. Can I get more space?

  • HPC Storage:

    • Rarely do we increase /home directory space and ask that you please clean up any unnecessary files first.

    • To determine what is taking up space in your home directory, you can cd to our home directory, then run a du -h --max-depth=1 command to determine what’s taking up space in your home folder.

    • You may want to move files from your /home directory to your /project directory if appropriate to share with other project members, or if your data isn’t needed long term or is backed up elsewhere, you may move it to your /gscratch directory.

  • Alcova Storage:

    • Storage increases

  • If the problem persists, email to describe your issue.

  • Any requests for quota increases must be approved by PI to which the quota increase would be billed.

My UWyo user account is locked/disabled, can ARCC restore it so I can use ARCC resources?

Do I need a smart phone to use two-factor for ARCC services?

  • No, there are other options:

    • You have to purchase a Yubikey and then self enroll the key or have it set up by UWIT.

    • You can enroll in any phone number or device on Duo.

      • When logging into Beartooth using the landline method, type “<your password>, phone“ and your enrolled number will get a call.

All project creations must be requested by a PI. Who counts as a PI?

  • Per ARCC Policy: “Principal Investigators (PIs) are any University of Wyoming faculty member with an extended-term position with UW.  This designation does not extend to Adjunct Faculty.

  • Detailed information on PI qualifications may be found on our policy page here and any information on our published policy page should overrides information on the wiki which, may at times, be outdated.

  • PIs may read more about PI Responsibilities on the policy page (Under General Policies: 1 -> User Responsibilities: B -> PI Responsibilities: iii)

Does ARCC provide a document for researchers to reference in grant proposals?

  • Yes! ARCC maintains a facilities statement that’s available in several formats here.

Cluster/HPC Questions

HPC Migration Questions: Beartooth to MedicineBow


Data Storage Questions


Migrations: Alcova to ARCC Data Portal

