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KentUtils is a suite of tools developed at the USCS Genome Browser lab.



Frequently Asked Questions



[]$ module spider kentutils
  kentutils: kentutils/1.04.0
    This module can be loaded directly: module load kentutils/1.04.0
      UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group's suite of biological analysis and web display programs as well as some of Jim Kent's own tools.


[]$ module load kentutils/1.04.0

[salexan5@tlog1 ~]$ axtChain
axtChain - Chain together axt alignments.
   axtChain [options] -linearGap=loose in.axt tNibDir qNibDir out.chain
Where tNibDir/qNibDir are either directories full of nib files, the name
of a .2bit file, or a single fasta file with additional -faQ or -faT options.
   -psl Use psl instead of axt format for input
   -faQ The specified qNibDir is a fasta file with multiple sequences for query
   -faT The specified tNibDir is a fasta file with multiple sequences for target
                NOTE: will not work with gzipped fasta files
   -minScore=N  Minimum score for chain, default 1000
   -details=fileName Output some additional chain details
   -scoreScheme=fileName Read the scoring matrix from a blastz-format file
   -linearGap=<medium|loose|filename> Specify type of linearGap to use.
              *Must* specify this argument to one of these choices.
              loose is chicken/human linear gap costs.
              medium is mouse/human linear gap costs.
              Or specify a piecewise linearGap tab delimited file.
   sample linearGap file (loose)
tablesize       11
smallSize       111
position        1       2       3       11      111     2111    12111   32111   72111   152111  252111
qGap    325     360     400     450     600     1100    3600    7600    15600   31600   56600
tGap    325     360     400     450     600     1100    3600    7600    15600   31600   56600
bothGap 625     660     700     750     900     1400    4000    8000    16000   32000   57000

[salexan5@tlog1 ~]$ chainMergeSort
chainMergeSort - Combine sorted files into larger sorted file
   chainMergeSort file(s)
Output goes to standard output
   -saveId - keep the existing chain ids.
   -inputList=somefile - somefile contains list of input chain files.
   -tempDir=somedir/ - somedir has space for temporary sorting data, default ./

This suite of tools contains over 300 individual commands:

addCols                 bigBedSummary          checkTableCoords        fetchChromSizes        hgSpeciesRna      mafSplitPos         pslFilter             splitFile
ameme                   bigBedToBed            chopFaLines             findMotif              hgsql             mafToAxt            pslHisto              splitFileByColumn
autoDtd                 bigGenePredToGenePred  chromGraphFromBin   hgsqldump         mafToBigMaf         pslLiftSubrangeBlat   sqlToXml
autoSql                 bigHeat                chromGraphToBin         FOOTER.txt             hgTrackDb         mafToPsl            pslMap                strexCalc
autoXml                 bigMafToMaf            chromToUcsc             gapToLift              hgvsToVcf         mafToSnpBed         pslMapPostChain       stringify
ave                     bigPslToPsl            clusterGenes            genePredCheck          hgWiggle          makeTableList       pslMrnaCover          subChar
aveCols                 bigWigAverageOverBed   colTransform            genePredFilter         hicInfo           maskOutFa           pslPairs              subColumn
axtChain                bigWigCat              countChars              genePredHisto          htmlCheck         mktime              pslPartition          tabQuery
axtSort                 bigWigCluster          cpg_lh                  genePredSingleCover    hubCheck          mrnaToGene          pslPosTarget          tailLines
axtSwap                 bigWigCorrelate        crTreeIndexBed          genePredToBed          hubClone          netChainSubset      pslPretty             tdbQuery
axtToMaf                bigWigInfo             crTreeSearchBed         genePredToBigGenePred  hubPublicCheck    netClass            pslRc                 tdbRename
axtToPsl                bigWigMerge            dbSnoop                 genePredToFakePsl      ixIxx             netFilter           pslRecalcMatch        tdbSort
bamToPsl                bigWigSummary          dbTrash                 genePredToGtf          lastz-1.04.00     netSplit            pslRemoveFrameShifts  textHistogram
barChartMaxLimit        bigWigToBedGraph       endsInLf                genePredToMafFrames    lastz_D-1.04.00   netSyntenic         pslReps               tickToDate
bedClip                 bigWigToWig            estOrient               genePredToProt         lavToAxt          netToAxt            pslScore              toLower
bedCommonRegions        binFromRange           expMatrixToBarchartBed  gensub2                lavToPsl          netToBed            pslSelect             toUpper
bedCoverage             blastToPsl             faAlign                 getRna                 ldHgGene          newProg             pslSomeRecords        trackDbIndexBb
bedExtendRanges         blastXmlToPsl          faCmp                   getRnaPred             liftOver          newPythonProg       pslSort               transMapPslToGenePred
bedGeneParts            blat                   faCount                 gff3ToGenePred         liftOverMerge     nibFrag             pslStats              trfBig
bedGraphPack            calc                   faFilter                gff3ToPsl              liftUp            nibSize             pslSwap               twoBitDup
bedGraphToBigWig        catDir                 faFilterN               gmtime                 linesToRa         oligoMatch          pslToBed              twoBitInfo
bedIntersect            catUncomment           faFrag                  gtfToGenePred          localtime         overlapSelect       pslToBigPsl           twoBitMask
bedItemOverlapCount     chainAntiRepeat        faNoise                 headRest               mafAddIRows       para                pslToChain            twoBitToFa
bedJoinTabOffset        chainBridge            faOneRecord             hgBbiDbLink            mafAddQRows       paraFetch           pslToPslx             ucscApiClient     chainFilter            faPolyASizes            hgFakeAgp              mafCoverage       paraHub             pslxToFa              udr
bedMergeAdjacent        chainMergeSort         faRandomize             hgFindSpec             mafFetch          paraHubStop         qacAgpLift  
bedPartition            chainNet               faRc                    hgGcPercent            mafFilter         paraNode            qacToQa               validateFiles
bedPileUps              chainPreNet            faSize                  hgGoldGapGl            mafFrag           paraNodeStart       qacToWig              validateManifest
bedRemoveOverlap        chainSort              faSomeRecords           hgLoadBed              mafFrags          paraNodeStatus      qaToQac     
bedRestrictToPositions  chainSplit             faSplit                 hgLoadChain            mafGene           paraNodeStop        randomLines           webSync
bedSort                 chainStitchId          fastqStatsAndSubsample  hgLoadGap              mafMeFirst        parasol             raSqlQuery            wigCorrelate
bedToBigBed             chainSwap              fastqToFa               hgLoadMaf              mafNoAlign        paraSync            raToLines             wigEncode
bedToExons              chainToAxt             faToFastq               hgLoadMafSummary       mafOrder          paraTestJob         raToTab               wigToBigWig
bedToGenePred           chainToPsl             faToTab                 hgLoadNet              mafRanges         positionalTblCheck  README.txt            wordLine
bedToPsl                chainToPslBasic        faToTwoBit              hgLoadOut              mafsInRegion      pslCat              rmFaDups              xmlCat
bedWeedOverlapping      checkAgpAndFa          faToVcf                 hgLoadOutJoined        mafSpeciesList    pslCDnaFilter       rowsToCols            xmlToSql
bigBedInfo              checkCoverageGaps      faTrans                 hgLoadSqlTab           mafSpeciesSubset  pslCheck            sizeof
bigBedNamedItems        checkHgFindSpec        featureBits             hgLoadWiggle           mafSplit          pslDropOverlap      spacedToTab


To understand how an individual command works, type its name at the command line with no arguments. The resulting message will provide basic details of what the command does as well as some instructions on using it as well as a list of usable options. See the examples above.

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